I once had a elder sort of legally represent me at a JC meeting. I would not go to one without some sort of help, be it an atty or another eldre who was on my side. We can all play their nasty gae.
Are observers allowed on Judicial Committee ? (WT Letter)
by caspian 25 Replies latest jw friends
About 1975 WT administration created a new policy for Bethelites: No sister had to confront a brother with a problem without a male 'advocate' of her chosing. A married sister could have her husband present if her floor overseer had a problem with her, or if she had a problem with a brother her husband was allowed to take off work to be with her or to speak up for her if need be. A single sister could chose any bethel elder to be her advocate. It was based on the tradition that a jewish daughter was under her husbands roof and protection until she married and came into her husbands household.
It was never instituted officially in the congregations and may even have become history at Bethel. But it may be why you were allowed to have a brother present at your JC meeting.
They do what they do because people go along with it. It only takes one person to say 'Enough is enough!', and they will start to take notice. I am not going down without a fight.
While I commend this posters desire to take a stand- sad to say she is wasting her time
the entire Judical process is their game- the mere fact that they summons you to come, is because it is their game
there is no way that you will make them "Take Notice"
they already have a script written for them by the service dept and they will stick to the script
my suggestion like others is to decide what you want to do
1. if you don't mind being shunned - then tell them to kick your A$$
2. if at "THIS TIME" you are not ready to deal with the backlash - then put together you an exit plan of fading away
it all depends on what you want to do, but DO NOT THINK that you will give them a pc of YOUR MIND and it will have some impact casue it will not
beyond providing you with a feeling of telling them what is on your mind- it will have very little if ANY impact on them
the reason is simple, the wt has trained this men like NAVY SEALS on how to respond to anything you say that is not on THEIR SCRIPT
I can't win either way.
AND THAT MY FRIEND SAD TO SAY--------------Is the POINT!!!!!!!
there is no winning with these folks-
so you have to ask yourself
do i want to go and be humilated
or do i want to go to OutBack Steak House and enjoy a Bloomming Onion- smile
Rebel, you're in a classic catch-22 situation. Go and you give indication that you subject yourself to their authority, don't go and dub hub is pissed and you're summarily DF'd, Adjust your thinking and you loose the self-respect for yourself that you're in desperation trying to hold onto.
Whatever you decide to do, I suggest you not let them belligerently bully you around, hang tough, and be be true to yourself and your convictions, and let the chips fall where they may.
Apparently there is a new elders book coming out shortly. This updated version will consist of 125,554 pages and contain four useful pieces of information, three of them a repetition of the first one which in turn was plagiarized from the Readers Digest article, ‘How To Polish Cats’.