I'm an artist and I have noticed WT artist's add their own "twists" to pictures. I don't look through the mags anymore so it just happens occasionally that I do see images that are suggestive. A few years ago, someone left a mag on my doorstep that had to do with smoking. There was an astray with smoke going up in the center. Smoke is interesting to draw, but I have never seen smoke portrayed like this. There was choppy bits at the top and the smoke that was raising, was unnatural. It could just be a poor artist trying to make do, but I scanned it in and took a look at with Photoshop. What came out when I did some shadow adjustments, was two torsos, female and male in the smoke. One had green tones and the other pink so that they stood out. Because you know, smoke doesn't make a rounded W shape - a butt - and that is what drew my attention to it.
The other was an illustration of a long row of angels behind Jehovah (the invisible) on his throne. I actually was investigating all of the fancy lines emanating from the throne when I noticed one of the near angels behind the throne, with a strange smirk on his face. he was looking to his right, not quite to the face of the angel next to him. The expression didn't make any sense and neither did the line of his gaze. There seemed to be some overworking in the angel next to him as if they had changed the composition. These pictures in the "new" magazines always seem lighter than the original picture so I used photoshop to intensify the colors to bring detail back. Well there was an oddly shaped thing right below the angel's waist that stood to the right of the smirking one. Now the smirker's gaze had a point of reference. Naughty indeed.
The smoke illustration was very subtle and reminds me of the advertising industry. The naughty angel relies on the finished published picture being washed out and so their little joke is less noticeable. Are all of these sanctioned by the WT? I don't think so. Animated movies have had this kind of trouble before.
The computer I'm using is a Window pc and not the Mac that died with my pictures so I can't post them. (I went to the dark side)