I think Benny's picture looks like they drew a skull above Elijah's hand and then quickly got rid of it with some shadowing.
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 62 Replies latest watchtower bible
days of future passed
it double posted.
days of future passed
it double posted.
This is from the front cover of the February 2019 study edition Watchtower.
This is from the front cover of the February 2019 study edition Watchtower.
If you're interested, a chap named Darek Barefoot (real spelling of his first name) documented a lot of this back in the late 1980s. He, along with his entire family, was DFed for bringing it to the attention of the brothers/org. He later wrote a book about it all. This has been discussed here:
The alleged 'penis' songbook cover on the left and it's subsequent replacement with an entirely different man on the right.
I always though this picture looked odd:
Like the rumble on the right that the man is looking back on creates some kind of lettering but can't really make out what it would be.
Could be Hebrew - gimel, chet, lamed, dalet, vav... don’t know. Is there a word there?
I’m very skeptical about hidden images. The mind sees patterns everywhere. Patterns throw up faces and other images, or even words from time to time. It’s pretty difficult to demonstrate that any particular example is likely deliberate, in my view. Not convinced the black penis was deliberate, for example. But it’s entirely plausible it was removed when someone pointed it out.
Having said that, Watchtower artists probably do insert things in their drawings, which is pretty common among artists generally. In fact I think Watchtower admitted this and cracked down on it in the 1980s. (The famous statement that a GB member would monitor the images) So from another perspective it’s not a big deal either.
All I see is a wienie roast on the left side of the picture above