Beast of no nation

by WasOnceBlind 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WasOnceBlind
    I always had a problem with the belief that God is allowing all the suffering in this world to go on just to vindicate his name and prove the devil wrong. I watched this movie on Netflix and I can really see why the atheist movement is growing. It really does a good job of portraying the suffering in some parts of the world. How can it anyone explain why god will listen to a prayer of say someone in a first world country vs someone in a third world country? I now find my self in a place where I still hold on to the believing in God or a creator (because evolution seems to far fetched) but that he is not what we portray him to be. I do not think he cares for us on a personal level like we would like to believe.
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  • freemindfade

    I saw that on Netflix. I will check it out now, you made it sound interesting.

    I would suggest a couple things based on things you said.

    1. Take a closer look at evolution. Not as the source of everything but as the progress of it.
    2. Then explore the real reasons you feel the source had to be a creator of any kind. What do you solidly found that on. If our explanation for needing a creator is the complexity, beauty etc then by that very thought a creator would also need a creator endlessly...
  • cappytan
    evolution seems to far fetched

    Are you sure it's evolution that you feel is too far fetched? Or the current hypotheses on abiogenesis?

    Evolution is an established scientific theory (scientific theories are hypotheses that have been proven) with a mountain of evidence to back it up.

  • WasOnceBlind
    Take a closer look at evolution. Not as the source of everything but as the progress of it.

    I believe in evolution, just not as the source. The math just doesn't add up for me.

    Then explore the real reasons you feel the source had to be a creator of any kind. What do you solidly found that on. If our explanation for needing a creator is the complexity, beauty etc then by that very thought a creator would also need a creator endlessly..

    Yes, just because we had a creator(s) does not mean it did not have a creator. The mathematical probabilities of every single thing that had to go right at the exact moment in time go right don't add up.

  • WasOnceBlind
    Are you sure it's evolution that you feel is too far fetched? Or the current hypotheses on abiogenesis?

    I never knew of this term but yes you are right. I believe in evolution just not in abiogenesis.

  • freemindfade
    So how can you better explain what you are holding onto, you said God or Creator. What about creators? How would you describe this person, is it a person or a thing? What did it actually do? Where does the creation part begin and end? What are you holding onto exactly?
  • Vidiot

    @ WasOnceBlind...

    My suggestion...

    ...try actually reading about evolution and how it works (rather than what creationists say about it).

    I recommend "The Greatest Show On Earth" by Dawkins (he doesn't go into any anti-religion/atheism rants in it).

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    @Vidiot- You took the book right out of my mouth!

    Evolution is very simple!

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  • WasOnceBlind

    So how can you better explain what you are holding onto, you said God or Creator. What about creators? How would you describe this person, is it a person or a thing? What did it actually do? Where does the creation part begin and end? What are you holding onto exactly?

    I am actually open to the idea of creators, I am not strict in my belief of even a deity. I mean is it so far fetched to believe that maybe humans are not exclusive to earth? Even now we are thinking or hoping of someday colonizing Mars, is it so far fetched to think that this has already been done when it comes to earth? Anyways the point of this post was more about the fact that believing in a god that cares about humanity almost seems comical.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    I now find my self in a place where I still hold on to the believing in God or a creator (because evolution seems to far fetched) but that he is not what we portray him to be.

    Do you consider yourself a Deist or believe in theistic evolution?


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