Beast of no nation
by WasOnceBlind 15 Replies latest jw experiences
never a jw
The math is not bad. You have zillions of chemical reactions around the universe under very wide range of conditions going on for billions of years. It's like playing the lottery. If you do it one time, the odds of winning are very, very tiny. But if you play lotto for billions of years, you are bound to get the prize many times. Abiogenesis is the same thing. I am quite confident that scientists will be playing God some time in the future, and create life out of organic substances. -
The math is not bad. You have zillions of chemical reactions around the universe under very wide range of conditions going on for billions of years. It's like playing the lottery. If you do it one time, the odds of winning are very, very tiny. But if you play lotto for billions of years, you are bound to get the prize many times. Abiogenesis is the same thing. I am quite confident that scientists will be playing God some time in the future, and create life out of organic substances.
Yeah but then you have to account the probabilities of that happening under the perfect environmental conditions, then one you have that you have to factor the probability of that single cell organism becoming a multi cell organism under the perfect conditions and you need to have that happen billions of times.
No you don't.
You need to read some actual facts. Try "Life Ascending" by Nick Lane and then at least your objection will be informed.
I saw this movie only last night , which portrays children being captured in armed conflicts and then forced to be soldiers killing people who their saviours view as enemies..
Their childhood taken away ....some as sex slaves before they reach puberty
. Other cases that exist in the world , children with limbs amputated so they can become beggars to earn money , other children forced into prostitution , and the abuse goes on everywhere.
But isn`t this just one of dozens , if not hundreds , or even thousands of abuses that occur in the world everyday ,and we hear / see nothing from a so called ALMIGHTY GOD ? Despite at least 6 thousand years of such abuse and injustice ?
What do religionists offer ? , pie in the sky ,carrot on the end of a stick , have faith , trust in the LORD solutions all the while humans suffer , children suffer ,
This is the technological age , obviously GOD hasn`t caught up with it yet , we humans can communicate with each other anywhere in the world almost instantly , however GOD still want`s us to rely on words 2000 / 4000 years old written by imperfect human beings who had their own agenda.with primitive ideas.
The Watchtower would have us believe Jehovah needs THIS:
... in order to feel superior in all the universe.
The only thing I can glean from that is God's ways are not my ways, and my moral principles will not allow me to bow to such a creature.
I still believe there is a creator out there with an agenda I don't understand. For the moment I am content not knowing all the answers. The one thing I know for sure is the Watchtower version of God is unacceptable.
I have no belief in god anymore. I am not interested in how we got here either. We're here...we just get on with it. I don't consider myself an atheist, agnostic or uncle Tom Cobbleigh an'all, either.
If I ever find myself in a better place I might give a monkeys. All I can really be sure of is that the benevolent God figure doesn't exist.
what's the one thing gods never do? Reveal themselves in an obvious way. this in itself proves they are imaginary.