What was you JC Meeting like?

by sandy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • what-now?

    I also think my JC had made up their minds to df me before we ever talked. I, too, was in an abusive marriage (see a common thread here?). Actually this was my second alcoholic, mentally abusive marriage. I had stuck both marriages out for 10 years but was sick of the absentee husband.

    I found a listening ear of a man at work. Separated from my husband and filed for divorce. The JC knew I was separated and seeking a divorce and was told (hear-say) that I had a BF at work by the time I had requested an audience [with the great and wonderful OZ]. Yes, you read that right--I called the 'confession session'. I spilled my guts and they questioned me about what my intent was from this point forward...was I going to continue this relationship?

    I answered that I cared for this man, perhaps even 'loved' him and I wasn't really sure what I was going to do (except put some distance between us so as not to continue a sexual relationship).

    Well, THAT was the kiss of death. They sent me out of the room. I literally waited in the hallway like a bully outside the principal's office. Fifteen minutes later (after they had time to discuss my situation, pray to Jehovah and receive His answer--Gosh He's fast!) they called me back in and told me that they had decided to disfellowship me. I didn't hear much after that. My 'theocratic life' was too busy flashing in front of me.

    Basically I had been mentally abused by two alcoholic husbands, had raised three children in the truth and had tried to stay loyal to this religion. I was raised by zealot parents, 3rd generation witnesses, with mental abuse and a lack of love and affection. The only 'worth' that I had found was in my new lover's eyes. Now, after all the abuse in my life, I was getting put out of the 'club' because they didn't want to deal with the REAL issues in my life. I was abused by almost everyone in my life, and they were in essence, continuing the abuse rather than displaying Christ-like love and forgiveness.

    That was pretty much it. 15 minutes and it was all over with. I remember going to my car and crying so hard I could hardly drive. That was 3 years ago.

    Then...the anger and resentment sets in. I actually went back to most of the meetings, on a regular basis, attempting to get back into the 'club'. I wrote a letter last year requesting to meet with 'my' committee to discuss reinstatement. They put me off for about 6 weeks (so much for swift justice, huh?) then finally meet with me. (Why can they suddenly speak to me? And so 'nicely' at that?)

    This time they said that I didn't attend enough meetings. As if meeting attendance was more important than my confession and heartfelt effort to to the right thing. Would you believe one of the elders actually [sort-of] kept record of all of the meetings I attended? I did too but didn't actually calculate what percentage it was until I'd left the committee meeting. He figured it to be at 35%, It was actually closer to 55% of the time. Since Witnesses are such mathmatical statatitions, I would have SURELY been reinstated had he done his calculation correctly. ;) But what do you expect from a High School graduate of public schools?

    That was last year. I walked out of that meeting, not sad, but MAD. I thought "You'll never freaking see me at a meeting". That will be easier for you to calculate! I've actually been back a few times, but only on Sundays and only when accompanied by either my son (16 yrs) or my daughter (11 yrs).

    They're both getting to the point that they don't want to go back (haven't had enough brainwashing yet). Even when they did accompany me, it was if they too had leprosy. Not many people talked to them. So they got sick of the cold shoulder and felt that they weren't welcome either.

    I was confused for a long time but I'm seeing the *real* light more and more. And I wondered why a bright, intelligent woman never saw all of the propaganda before. Sometimes "you can't see the forest for the trees"--sometimes you're just too immersed to see it or care. It's kinda' what they say about all of the 'worldly' people and how Satan keeps them so pre-occupied with every-day mundane things/problems that they don't have time to investigate their religion. My [old] religion kept me so busy going to meetings, assemblies, conventions, reading endless books and magazines, preparing and going door-to-door bothering people, that you don't really have time to make sure what you're being taught is really from the Bible or just some re-gurgitated retoric that's been spouted for years, through your relatives' generations.

    I think the df'ing belief is one of the many ways the religion controls it's club members, and it is NOT what Christ intended nor implied in ANY of his teachings. If that's wrong--what else is wrong?

    Question Everything!


  • LDH

    Does the term "Kangaroo Court" mean anything to you?

    kangaroo court
    1. A mock court set up in violation of established legal procedure.
    2. A court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence.

    Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.


    You asked, Class

  • teejay

    I had considered D, M, and S to be my friends. I had spent a lot of time with them in service and at get-togethers over the years. I went into my jc expecting empathy and help. What was I thinking?

    M was a new elder (appointed less than a year, I think). Over the course of my two-meeting inquisition, M said the least... probably no more than three questions. I was closest to him since we were about the same age, same race, same family construct. We'd spent a lot of time together socially. I thought at the time (and still think) that M felt sorry for me and felt bad about the position he'd been put in as one of my inquisitors.

    D was (and still is) a very cool Brother. Great sense of humor. Down to earth. Nice wife, and their three kids are as funny as their dad and smart as whips. Sister D is one of the coolest sisters you'll ever meet. The anti-typical elder's wife; very funny, genuinely warm and caring, and stays out of people's business. The kind of woman who does not appear to relish her "status" as Elder's Wife.

    So, like M, it appeared to me that D felt bad about my (and his) predicament. He wanted to be firm but fair. We were friends. There was only one problem. S.

    Years before in another congregation, S had "sponsored" D into the elder ranks and although D had been an elder for many years, I had the impression that he was still heavily influenced by S who, it turned out, was a major judgmental prick behind closed doors. Viewing S's performance firsthand, the only thing I could think of was "Pharisee."

    To this day, I still consider M and D my friends and miss their company. If they called me out of the blue needing my help on anything, I would do what I could to help them. S, OTOH, I view differently. I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire and needed someone to put him out. I have no room in my heart for hatred, but when I hear of his death I will not mourn.

  • rocky220

    I had 2 Germans and a Sth African on my JC.Enough said.

    They had to shut me up because I was talking about my child's sex abuse. They used 2 pathetic sisters (one was one of the elder's daughter) to twist my words and say I slandered the pedo's brother.

    They interrogated me for 4 1/2 hours trying to get me to confess, I didn't. They couldn't decide what to do so they sent me home and told me to meet with them in 3 days. (When I left the KH I told my husband that the experience felt just like when I was being sexually abused as a child,.........violated.)

    3 days later they met with me and told me I was going to be Df'ed on three charges (I guess one for each day they had to think about it)

    1. For lying (not confessing to something I didn't say)
    2. Slander (they had 2 witnesses to that, but not 2 to the same conversation......2 different conversations)
    3. Loose conduct (for discussing the sexual abuse with others after being ordered by the elders not to)

    I was out for 1 year, and applied for reinstatement 3 times.

    After being reinstated they didn't give me privelages back for 6 months so we moved congregations.

    The whole experience caused me alot of health problems and also emotional ones.

    My family and I have recovered from this but I still dream about things that I would love to do to them.

    They don't warn you about corruption in JCs or elders before you get baptised, you learn it the hard way.

    Anyhow, Cheers Bliss.

  • rem

    The elders came by my house a couple of mornings asking me about some of my book recommendations on Amazon.com. I'm not sure why I didn't check to see who it was before answering the door, but anyways, they caught me even though I had moved to a new house without letting anyone know my new address.

    They were so sneaky... they kept saying they just wanted to 'discuss' the book list. After a couple of calls to one of the elders I was able to wrangle out the fact that this was, indeed, a JC and not just a 'discussion'. Lying bastards.

    I recorded the first hour or so of my JC. It was basically just a bunch of old guys trying to explain to me why I should believe in talking snakes and me politely requesting the evidence for such extraordinary claims. They kept saying it took faith, but then contradicted themselves in saying they had evidence for their faith. When I again asked for that evidence, it went back to faith. The whole 'discussion' was very circular.

    Finally, at the end I knew they were going to DF me. I had gotten away with too much already and this was the final straw. They wouldn't tell me if they were going to DF me and if I waited for them to make the official decision, there would be no way for me to retroactively DA myself. So I chose to DA myself.

    They wanted me to write a letter, but I refused. I told them that I knew a verbal DA was good enough and that was that.

    It was actually pretty fun debating three old-timers on the accuracy of prophecy and other reasons to believe in the bible. They weren't very good at it, though. I guess I was used to a higher level of competence from my experience here on the discussion boards.

    I think I still have my old recording around, but unfortunately it's really hard to hear because the recorder was in my jacket pocket and everytime I moved it made the recording inaudible. Damn, I should have taken off the jacket!


  • unbeliever

    Damn rem there is no way you could talk your way out of that one. Your full name and commentary is there for everybody to see. I bet the elders just loved the former MS bit.


    Dunno....Didn't go...


  • dedalus

    Rem is my hero because, basically, he got in trouble for reading books! Reading books can be a disfellowshipping offense.


  • Wolfgirl

    They came over because they had "heard" that I was having a sexual relationship with someone I wasn't married to. (I had just gotten divorced from an abusive husband.) Said ex-husband was following me around on the internet, and got someone to read my emails as well. Then he told my parents and the elders what I said online.

    Anyway...they came over to ask me if it was true that I was having sex with a man I wasn't married to. I said yes. (Hell, he was upstairs waiting in the bedroom when they came over. They didn't know that.) They asked if I was going to continue that relationship. I said yes. They asked if I knew that meant I would be disfellowshipped. I said yes. They said thanks for being honest and if I ever needed anything, to let them know. That was it. Took all of 5 minutes.

    When I did consider getting reinstated, I wrote to them and asked some rather pointed questions. They refused to answer. I pestered my sister to ask them about it, and they said it was because I "sounded argumentative." :D Damn straight.

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