I look back on my life & realize all major mistakes fall at the feet of the JW leadership. No college, no birthdays, basically no celebrations. Lived my younger years as an outcast. Married during the scare of 75. Married out of survival; not love. Stayed with my wife for 34 years. Was not fair to her; not to myself. She died 5 years later of a drug overdose. Looking forward to a future with no pension, little in savings. Lost my oldest daughter to this hideous cult. Lost my grandchildren. I wish for the opportunity as one of the thousands who suffered at their feet, for a day of accounting. For all the crushed lives, the ones who died in vain. For those who sacrificed everything for these scumbags. For you, I wish there was a real Hell. I would like some relief comforting myself in your eternal torment.
I have a deep seated hatred for the leadership of the JW Cult
by mrquik 28 Replies latest jw experiences
I feel some of your pain and I wasn’t even a born-in.
I’m a twenty year ‘Fader’...What particularly bothers me is that there appears to be no accountability. Time just marches on, people die and the wrong done to them is forgotten, etc. I’m just grateful I followed my gut years ago..The only thing I can take comfort in is that the internet and the media exposes everything today and young JWs aren’t going to remain ignorant like in times past.
You deserve to get some happiness out of life!
I feel for you ! Some have been effected much worst then what I have been by this destructive cult. All we can do is move on and live the best possible lives as we can now and warn others of these pigs!
I would like to see those reptilian pieces of filth at the top get tortured directly by Satan for doing this. Just looking at the doctrines--I have found that they go directly against the truth. For instance, they know the truth about the pagan holidays, the occult, and so much that is fun. Yet they ban it, imposing the exact opposite of what people want on the souls. They impose stagnation, suffering, and reincarnation with even worse problems next time. Many of their money problems are a result of the programming that being wealthy is bad--in addition to the rules against having a decent job. And, unlike many religions that have caved a bit on some issues (such as allowing the holidays to be celebrated and will do nothing if you read your horoscope), this garbage will enforce these rules.
Looking at the structure of the jokehovian religion, I have found quite a few similarities between it and the Noahide Laws. Jokehovian witlesses enforce rules against idolatry and "blasphemy", which are two of the top rules against Noahide Laws. Sex is limited to your partner, also written in the Noahide Laws. (And they keep it utilitarian.) Both lead to a sterile, stagnant life that strips you of any hope for a better life. Both put filth into your soul, preventing you from getting any better outcome (such as banning astrology). Both go against science, quite forcibly. And both enforce communism.
Not to mention, what is manifesting now. They want the witlesses to pool their resources into a communal pool, just as in communism where you own nothing. "Your" stuff belongs to everyone. This includes "your" food, "your" silver and gold, "your" car, "your" whatever they decide that everyone else needs. You went out and bought a silver dime, you give it to the congregation so they decide who gets what with it (and it will probably not be you that gets the benefit). That roll of toilet paper you stocked up on goes into the communal pool, again to benefit whoever they see fit. That 5 pound bag of rice you got just before the famine will be added to the communal stash, again so whoever they decide will benefit.
And these pieces of filth at the top know what they are doing. They want everyone to work for the common interest of those most directly working for the reptilians to harvest the earth. They do not want anyone doing anything that will benefit their souls--and they know what would help (and strictly enforce it, just like Noahide Laws would). This is why they need special attention from Satan to have the leaders at the top tortured, while the organization itself must die from not being supported. Everyone can help--by not donating any resources, either to communal supplies or to the organization itself. Your silver is your silver, not theirs. Same for your food, toilet paper, batteries, and whatever else. They do not deserve that penny in the contribution box, nor do they deserve the time on your slip. Don't give them what they do not deserve.
The harmful consequences toward people getting involved in this religious cult such as family break ups, deaths for medical reasons , suicides due to psychological harm are well documented now.
An unfortunate shame really.
The Masses should pull them out of their towers and tar and feather them and then run them out of town!
That’s why I want to be first on the list on a class action lawsuit against the WT, for our lost opportunities, ruined childhoods, etc. They need to PAY!
stan livedeath
i think a lot of the responsibility lies with--our parents. they chose to join it--were we given that option ?
True, Stan, but my dad is dead, and my mom was indoctrinated from birth as well. She is not evil, she is a victim, too.
stan livedeath
i was one of the lucky ones--my ma got religion when i was about 10 years old--dad followed a couple of years after. At 11 i was yanked out of school morning assemblies and religious lessons. no more xmas and birthdays.
baptised at 14..alongside my dad--and 6 other kids from the same KH. left school at 15--although dad wanted me to stay on--go to uni . pioneering at 16, working 2 days a week as a window cleaner.
courting at 18..married at 20..for the usual JW reason. became a dad at 23..at which point i left the cult.
BUT..my parents accepted my decision..and never shunned me. it helped we lived 150 miles away--so their cong really had no idea about me any more.
However it did mean my dad stopped being an elder after i while. ive wondered recently whether he was deleted because of his association with me. Maybe thats how he wanted it. I never asked him.