It really is the internet that has saved a lot of young people. I complain about technology all the time, but, dang, all the information available now that wasn't available 30 years ago is just amazing.
However, I did manage to get out without it 30 years ago. The religion just didn't pass the sniff test even if I couldn't put my finger on it. I was POMI for a few years, then the 1995 generation change absolutely sealed it for me.
I had actually predicted the generation change when I saw the 80 year generation limit since 1914 looming. And those bastards did it. I think quite a few people got the hint then and left.
Mrquik, I have to say that maybe it also depends on the congregation you are involved in, too?
My dad is your age, was an elder, always held a full time job, invested and left work at 58 with a pension. Others did, too.
Maybe the difference was that he came in as an adult in 1974?
Anyhow, I love your avatar photo because I see you're by the water and look like you're happy. The water is my happy place, too. We all deserve one happy place where our troubles seem a little farther away.