Any single 50'ish ex JW men here??? I'm serious

by Mulan 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Internet match-making can result in very serious and long-term consequences, don't ya know? LOL


    That's my honey!

    Kate (of the vsltc class)LOL

  • onacruse


    And I am a battle-scarred veteran of the man/woman thingy.

    I didn't know that you'd had a sex-change operation.

  • primitivegenius

    hahahahahah cruseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahahahah lmao lol lol

    are you gonna set there and take that frank

    hahahahahahahahahahah gud 1

  • Hamas

    lol, and so accurate !!!!!!

    go go go go go go go go !!!!!

  • Billygoat
    And I am a battle-scarred veteran of the man/woman thingy.

    Hmmm. "Thingy"? Not sure I even want to go there. *snicker*

  • Francois

    Lissen, Bgoat, I thought you were a higher class chick than that. See what marriage will do to a classy chick?

    And for you Onacruse and you others who think you're so funny. It was never a sex change operation. I was asked about another type of operation in that, um, area of my physicality and after a loooooong search I finally found a surgeon who told me that he could "trim that thing down to any size I'd like, even down to below eleven inches if I really wanted to go that far."

    I told him I'd have to think about that drastic a change and talk it over with my intended. However, it never became necessary as the young lady in question obviously had a change of heart, as the last time I saw her she was running into the sunset kicking up a great cloud of dust and gravel. I'll never figure that out, after all I am SUCH a gentle fella an' all.

  • primitivegenius

    wow i didnt know they could trim egos lol hahahhaa jk dude

  • onacruse
    "trim that thing down to any size I'd like, even down to below eleven inches if I really wanted to go that far."

    Man, I feel for ya...Prostate surgery is no fun.


  • Billygoat

    (((((((((((((((((Frank)))))))))))))))))))))) I'm a classy goat thankyewverrymuch! Not a chick!

    I love how you're such a great sport!


  • Francois

    BG, I just KNEW I was gonna take it on the chin for that last one, and I see that this crowd never disappoints.

    However, this bunch does help me prove my point for Mulan about what a nice guy I am, how I can roll with the punches, what a great sense of humor I have, how I don't take myself too seriously, how I am a regular guy - a humble Charlie, and on and on like that, fully deserving of her full consideration for an introduction to her friend.

    (And I know you're a classy thing, but I gotta give as I get, you know.)

    It DOES trouble me that I haven't heard from Mulan yet. I've got her phone number around here somewhere. If I get too worried, I'll have to ring her up so at least I can sleep tonight. Hehehe.

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