Any single 50'ish ex JW men here??? I'm serious

by Mulan 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Lissen, BGoat, Atlanta, remember, Atlanta. No Bulldogs in Atlanta, that's over in Athens, a good hour and a half away. In Atlanta we gots Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. They can't beat the Dogs from Athens, but they are hell on them partial differential equations.

    C'mon to Atlanta Billygoat. If you cain't find sumpin' to eat in Atlanta, you just ain't hungry.


  • KGB

    yeah I'm searching but I am looking for the one that has devoted her life to God and Christ. Not that your not Mulan that I don't know but I have had to many failed relationships but none have been devoted, so I think I will be looking that way this time....Good Luck though babe you are a looker for sure.

  • SixofNine

    Good thing you didn't ask for single men!

  • Mulan
    yeah I'm searching but I am looking for the one that has devoted her life to God and Christ. Not that your not Mulan that I don't know but I have had to many failed relationships but none have been devoted, so I think I will be looking that way this time....Good Luck though babe you are a looker for sure.

    Okay...........not me!! I am not in my mid 40's, am not slender and am not divorced!!!!!!!!!!!! However........thank you very much for the compliment.

    Several takers already, and I have forwarded just two of them to my niece. I am letting her take it from here.

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