will the JW read this

by wonderer2003 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wonderer2003

    The JW's have been back at my door a couple of times since my first post.

    She gave me Watchtowers and showed me books and literature from the JW cd, I said I would give her something to read when she came back. She returned today with more medical stuff printed from her cd, so I gave her the stuff I got through the internet (Thankfully alot of it was pages I found through this Forum)

    This is how the conversation went.

    jw: Afternoon

    me: Hi, Sorry I can't chat long today the plumber is in, but if you have more for me to read i will look it over, Here is the info I printed.

    jw: Sorry to keep you back, but could I ask where you got it from.

    me: Yes the internet.

    jw: Was it the official watchtower.com page.

    me: No. Does it matter.

    jw: Yes if it is not from the official page I can't read it. It is from Xjw's who write poison.

    me: No actually it isn't poison it does not say anything about any Xjw only about your literature. it is full of facts and figures and dates.

    jw: These things are written by X jw's.

    me: It shouldn't matter if you have complete trust in your faith you should not be afraid to read it. You learn about other peoples religions so you can point out the WRONG bits to them, so why dont you accept the same.

    jw: Oh! no we don't. I will read the bit about Carl Sagan but I wont read the rest.

    me: Well take it with you, if you dont want to read it put it in the bin. If you are brainwashed then thats where it will go. Sorry have to go plumber is calling me.

    jw: Do you want these pages back

    me: No.

    jw: Bye, will call again when you have more time.

    me: okay, Thanks for the literature.

    Well, will she read it or won't she. She has been a JW all her life. Do you think she is better of and happier in her ignorance. I feel sorry for here, and she me.

    IF she does come back and hasn't read the stuff, I will have to tell her not to come back, how can you win an arguement with someone who won't read or listen to two sides of a story.

  • NeonMadman

    If she's a good little dub, she will toss it without reading it. If she is secretly harboring doubts, she might read it. Either way, I think you did the right thing by giving it to her. All we can do is make the truth about The Truth (TM) available to them. We can't force them to open their eyes if they don't want to.

    And I agree that, if she expects you to read her literature but she won't read yours, there is probably little point in continuing the discussion - though you might be able to raise some of the same issues verbally that she refuses to read in print. But it sounds as if she has a closed mind, from your description.

  • Gopher
    It shouldn't matter if you have complete trust in your faith you should not be afraid to read it. You learn about other peoples religions so you can point out the WRONG bits to them, so why dont you accept the same.

    That was an EXCELLENT point, and very logical. However the JW's only respond to what is favorable for them. They can't help it, it's how they are programmed. (I was one, I would have responded in the same way.)

    If they cannot think about anything more than "where did this material come from", they cannot be reached. It will be like talking to a brick wall. They only respond to their masters in Brooklyn, NY.

    You have come to the point where they are beginning to understand that you are trying to "discuss" matters with them rather than "learn from" their oh-so-great literature. Sigh.

  • minimus

    She accepted it! First good sign. She may peek (like Eve). She may question in her mind what's so bad about reading it because after all, she doesn't believe she's brainwashed.... Now, let's assume she didn't read it. That's OK too. You should take a point that you feel very comfortable with and ask her to explain the Bible's position on it. Then when she presents the Society's view, get her back, kindly, to the Bible. Don't use the internet info with her. She's been trained to view this as poison. Just stick with hardcore facts. I think you might get a Bible Study out of this!

  • badolputtytat

    agrees with the m&m or dot..... she took it and that is a start. If she takes it home and locks herself in the toilet, and reads it... then you have done well.

    also agrees that they will have no part of anything on the net.

    but if she does come back, she probably will not tell you if she read it. Perhaps you could ask to speak to someone who isn't afraid to answer those questions. . . of course, you will get all the double talk... but at least you will know where they stand. I would be interested to hear your findings, if they answer to you... keep us posted. (no pun intended)

  • sonofapreacherman

    Two sisters have also just visited me this morning.

    One of them started reading from Psalms as I opened the door, giving me no chance to say anything until she had finished and asked if I would like to live in such a paradise earth.

    ...spooky thing is I had just made my first post to this board this morning...

    They have invited themselves back to explain the validity of 607BCE... erm, after having done enough research to do the question justice...

  • hooberus

    There is a 1986 Watchtower arcticle that states that JWs can discuss with sincere ones the claims of apostates as long as they stick to the Societies publications and the scriptures.

  • garybuss

    There are no arguments with a real Witness. Either you accept their dogma or they lose interest in you real fast.

    They are instructed by the book publishing corporation that they are working for, not to accept literature from householders and not to read even their own literature if it is touched in any way by former group members.

    You have a deer eating out of your hand. This is not a regular human. GaryB

  • freedom96

    I would have no problem lying to a JW about where the material came from. Hey, their books and magazines are just that, theirs, except we have access to the original before the WTS changes it.

  • wonderer2003

    I hope she returns but from what I have read in this thread, it doesn't look very likely.

    If she does I will post again

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