Just wondering how many people here feel that the seat belt law is mandatory for safe motoring. I can't stand this law myself as if you only forget to put one on the police are happy to pull you over and detain you and write you a ticket. This is one of those things that I think if there were a public vote over, it would not exist .
seat belt laws !!!!!!! argh!!!!
by heathen 47 Replies latest social current
Well, you have the people who scream freedom and violation of rights in regards seatbelts and helmets for motorcycles.
I certainly can see that view point, however I think that is a bit fanatical.
After considering everything, I think that ultimately we do in fact need a law for those just too stupid to take care of themselves. Dumb people need protection too, even sometimes from themselves.
The facts are, seatbelts and helmets save lives.
When the law first came out, it irritated me, too, but now it's just a habit. I don't mind, and I think it is safer. One thing I hate is when I see children who are not in car seats or seatbelts. I cannot imagine not belting in my son! I think those people should lose their driving privileges immediately for at least 6 months.
I hate wearing it. However, I do. Everytime. I did not start til about 10 years ago, when I lived in California. It was the law back then, there, so I did not want a ticket.
It is the law here also. If you get pulled over and have no seatbelt, you get an extra ticket. If the police or highway patrol are on *holiday* duty (they tell you what and who they are going to pull over) they will look for non-belt wearers and pull them over.
Some friends, with a 13 year old, never wear theirs. Everytime I see them (2 Xs a month or so) I get on them and their daughter to wear the seatbelts. It is a small inconvience to save your life. They just don't get it and won't do it. And the daughter will have her learner permit in 2 years, so they are screwed when she starts to drive. (monkey see, monkey do)
I think it is a pain, however, if it will save my life, I will do it.
I was in a car accident, hit from behind, and my car was totalled. My daughter was in a seat belt, it saved her life. If she was not, she would have been thrown through the windshield and killed.
No one is allowed in my car without a seat belt on.
Mrs. Shakita
I've been wearing seat belts since many years. I automatically put my seat belts on when I get in the car. The law is quite strict, and the fine is over 100$ if you don't wear them.
It's a good law, cause it's for our own protection.
Between my personal experience and the time my job took me to accidents, I will always wear my seatbelt. I have seen too many people after they have been thrown out of the vehicle or smashed into the window. The local paper did an article on the accidents during the last 6 months, who had seatbelts on and who died. More died without seatbelts; a no brainer I guess.
I agree with the laws. I have also heard that argument that people don't need to be protected from themselves as long as they are hurting no one else. I haven't thought or studied that issue very much, but I get the feeling that that particular viewpoint is too simplistic since we have many laws which do just that.
I grew up wearing seat belts. My parents always made us do this, so it's normal for me. I feel funny without one in a car. Ironically, my dad did take me for a ride on his motorcycle a once when I was about 5 years old. I did have a helmet and the ride was only about half a mile down the street to be dropped off with a friend of the family before school. Also I and my two younger sisters rode in the back of his pick up truck numerous times when we were under 10 years of age. I don't think he'd do that now, but thinking back, strange that my parents allowed that and yet insisted on the seatbelts when were in the car. Just something people did then and nobody thought anything of it, but you can easily see how a kid could fly out of there in an accident.
I think it's reasonable since you are driving on public roads and accident injuries affect us all as taxpayers and insurance policy holders. There's no law saying you have to wear a seatbelt on your own property, though. Remember, driving on public roads is a privilege with rules.
I guess it's not a big deal for me because I was raised wearing a seatbelt all the time in the car. It just feels more comfortable for me.
Now the cell phone usage while driving laws are coming up and it seems a bit restrictive, but I guess I can see the rational. I've just gotten so used to driving and dialing, though I have gotten into a few close calls by doing that.
I don't have any problem with the seatbelt laws, and especially the child safety seats. Does anyone remember the car seats we used to ride in? If you're anywhere near my age, it was probably one of those flimsy little plastic carriers with the metal handle. And when we were older, we usually either stood on the front seat or rode in the back window. It's a wonder any of us are alive. Anyone else with those fond memories?