Man gets life in prison for spitting

by happyout 65 Replies latest social current

  • Realist


    with all due respect there is a difference between a guy who hits his wife for no reason or whether he hits her because she provoked him. woman are ofter better trained verbally than man and if she uses verbal abuse, humiliation and attack than it is partially her fault if a fuse blows and the man slaps her.

  • LDH

    He had broken that woman's arm; the suggested penalty wasn't anywhere near severe enough. Then, he spits on a cop and the judge gets the chance to take this guy off the streets, permanently.

    The only problem I have with this is, now taxpayers get to pay for his next 50 years in jail. I think a more appropriate punishment would have been to have him beat to smithereens for "resisting arrest" and then thrown in jail with Bubba the Butt Bonker for a while.

    This would have cured him, for sure.


  • SixofNine

    Did you think I was unaware of that from something I said, nilfun?

  • nilfun
    Did you think I was unaware of that from something I said, nilfun?

    No, SixofNine, I don't believe that you were unaware of that. Sometimes I read something and then I post on how I feel about it. If my post came across as a criticism of yours, I apologize. It wasn't.

  • SixofNine

    k, cool.

    sometimes it seems that prison rape is the only type of rape that some people (including some who have been victims of rape themselves) feel comfortable joking about.

    True enough... I guess it's sort of understandable; they're the bad guys. To be honest, I've never understood why so many people seem to think prison rape is an acceptable sort of punishment for society to offer. To me, it's all about the offender, ie; "we put you in jail to take you out of society and punish you, and you can't keep yourself from raping while your in jail!!???" I would be 100% for the death penalty (or at least solitary confinement) for anyone who rapes while in prison.

    But here, lemme take a stab at it ;)

    A jew, a nun, and a rape victim go into a bar. Rape victim says.... Nah, I just can't feel comfortable joking about it.

  • nilfun

    Victims joking about tragedies in their own lives sometimes helps to take the sting out of it for them, seen it and done it myself many times. Just something we humans do. Also, I think there's a place for everyone---somewhere-- that they just won't go. And I wouldn't want to bar another from going where I may not be prepared to go right now.

  • LDH


    I can guarantee that I have neither been:

    1. raped

    2. in prison

    Sometimes things are funny, because they just are. In the words of Alanis, "Isn't it ironic?"

    The older I get, the more I believe in karma. If you put yourself in a situation where prison time is involved then you will pay the price. I don't determine the price. Jeffrey Dahmer was killed in prison because even prisoner have certain codes of ethics. Woman beaters and child molesters tend to pay the highest price in prison. Oh well.


  • nilfun


    I think I understand where you are coming from. I never thought for a moment that you were 1) raped or 2) in prison. Do you think prison rape is funny? I don't, but I would never try to impose my sense of humor on you or expect for you or others to self-censor just because you are prepared to go where I am not.

    Also, there may be circumstances, say, where a person has been falsely imprisoned, convicted of a non-violent offense, be a political prisoner, or be a prisoner of conscience, and still be subjected to the horrors of prison rape.

    Sometimes things are funny, because they just are...but not to everyone. But like I said, I am not one to try and muzzle another just because I don't share their sense of humor on certain subjects. Yours and other's posts simply motivated me to post my own feelings on the subject.

  • nilfun

    deleted because my feelings were already covered in my previous post.

  • Abaddon

    Joking aside, the minute we shrug when a judge sentences someone to a ridculous sentence (life) for spitting (which was made a crime before they realised that transmission of leathal disaease by spitting was very very unlikely (as in no recorded instances of HIV transmission by spitting under normal circumstances)) because we reckon the judge is using this as a method of making him serve a decent crime for the assault on his wife, is the minute we wave good bye to justice.

    1/ The judge may just be an ignorant moron who is not taking the wife's injuries into account at all; assumption is the root of all screw-ups.

    2/ If the judge was sentencing by 'stealth', wouldn;t it be better to campaign to have domestic abuse taken seriously in law than be happy the law is misued by a judge?

    3/ Life imprisonment for breaking an arm? I'm as against domestic abuse as the next person, but that isn't justice either.

    This is very simple. If the judge sentenced him to life for spitting, the judge ia an ass using a law made out of ignorance. It the judge sentenced him to life on the pretext of spitting for breaking his wife's arm, the judge has miscarried justice and abused due process. If this is allowed to happen, then the next time it could be a judge using a pretext to punish someone for something you would not agree with so heartily. What should happen is that domestic abuse should be taken seriously by the courts without requiring pretexts. And prison rape of a man is just as much a violation as rape of a woman; there's a difference between being satisfied when what goes around comes around and standing outside a prison with a 'Rape His Ass' placard.

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