What In Life Have You Kicked Yourself For?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Back in high school, I had this "girlfriend". Well, we were quite interested in each other, and I kept on making the attempts to take her out. Unfortunately, her mother was preventing her from letting her date.

    There was one specific time where we agreed to go out. I called her before I picked her up, but her dad answered the phone. He basically invited me over to kick my ass. I never went. I wish I would have gone. I would have stood up to the old fart.

    This is the only thing I regret.

  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    I'd like to go back to every person who ever intimidated me and made me believe I was a worthless human being.

    First I would go back and learn self defense and maybe learn to believe that I was worth something in order to carry myself well. Then I'd like to back to Jr. high and visit some girls I once knew:

    A girl named Gay Simpson who threatened to beat me up everyday while everyone on the bus laughed. Then I would go get all five girls who proceeded to play dodgeball with BASKETBALLS across my face after gym class when no teacher was around and just blow thier brains out.(just kiddin')

    Then last but not least, I would love to go up to my ex-sisterinlaw and make her wish she had never been born.(too many reasons to list)

    Thanks for asking that question. I feel so much better now.

  • DFWnonJW

    Kinda like pr capone on this one. Losing my last g/f. That is the only time I wished there was a way to go back in time just a few hours and fix what went wrong.

    Other than that, just the times I listened to others rather than going with my own instincts - that just never works.

  • Ravyn

    well, other than deciding to come back to earth in this particular incarnation(what the F was I drinking in Summerland???????????)...

    I regret getting rid of a lot of my toys I had as a child. I see them on eBay going for THOUSANDS! Plus I miss them. I frequently have a dream about going into either a basement or an attic where they are all there and I walk around and look at them and even see the boxes they came in...but when I wake up I can't remember most of what I saw...

    I regret not growing up with Christmas. I would have loved it. I am very attracted to colors and smells and flavors and to me celebrating the holidays would have been like going to a circus or fair...I loved the few times we actually had a color television and I could get up earlier than my parents and watch the holiday parades before they made me get dressed for service.

    I regret having to get rid of the pets that I have had to get rid of. I regret giving my beloved cat the tranquilizer for the move that killed him.

    I regret not having sex for the first time with my childhood crush, I still dream of that too.


  • xjw_b12
    I regret getting rid of a lot of my toys I had as a child.

    Hey Ravyn...that's a good one. I threw out all of my kids stuff, and I sincerely regret that. I had some seriously cool toys.

    Another thing I regret discarding is a lot of my better school projects and assignments. I had some projects, that I spent a lot of time preparing, and was very proud of them, especially when I received top grades on them. About the only thing I kept from my senior elementary grades and high school, were my report cards. Kept them just to prove to my kids, that I'm not as stupid as their mother says I am !

  • SealingSalamander

    Unfortunately, there are MANY things I could kick myself for, but I do have one huge regret in life:

    That I believed everyone (my father and stepmom mostly) that said that my dreams of being a sci-fi writer and artist were pipe-dreams and that I should face reality and get a job- any job would do- and not ask anyone for anything (esp. them).

  • Scully

    Ravyn writes:

    I regret not having sex for the first time with my childhood crush, I still dream of that too.

    Ditto. Although I recently met up with the person in question for lunch, after not having seen each other in over 20 years... and we made a pact to pick up where we left off if our circumstances ever changed in the future. I have to say that it felt pretty darn great to hear him say that I look "just as gorgeous" as he remembered me.

    Love, Scully

  • shamus

    The term "regret nothing" does not apply to me...

    I regret everything up to this point in my life. No shit. The thing that I keep focused on right now is making everything right from here on out, no matter how hard it may be.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    not getting out sooner (the borg)

    not standing up to my parents and their JW beliefs sooner !!!!!!!!!!

    having the oppourtunity with some beautiful women, but knowing I could never bring them home (or marry) to meet mom and dad, because of the F--kin JW religion. How stupid I was. (don't get me wrong I love my wife and she is beautiful but ......) This is # 1.

    It was probaly more that I NEVER wanted to have to involve someone into my JW problems. How would they understand ???

  • minimus

    I wonder how many regret getting rid of valuables and heirlooms because they were "demonized".

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