What In Life Have You Kicked Yourself For?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • ikhandi

    Not having the freedom to explore other religions. This religion is all I have know my entire life and that is not only sad but pathetic.

    Getting baptized. Why? when your only 15.


  • KGB

    I can name four, Sharon, Carolyn,Tracy, & Sherry

  • SealingSalamander
    I wonder how many regret getting rid of valuables and heirlooms because they were 'demonized'.

    Yes, I remember this one very well. My mother was one to go on self-proclaimed 'witch hunts' all the time because she couldn't get a grip that life was sucky because of JWs and the fact that everyone was completely disfunctional.

    However the two most outstanding incidents that I remember didn't actually involve her...

    1. When I was about 11 or 12 (?) I bought (with my allowance) this beautiful peirrot/clown doll. Porcelain head, two horned had and sparkly clothes.. oh how I loved that doll! Of course, being an intellectual kid and wanting to find out about everything, I went to the library and looked up about clowns... Did you know that in the Comedia del'Art in Italy the Pierrot character first made his appearance... depicting the devil!!! I didn't need to read anymore! It went into the dumpster! Needless to say, I collect Pierrots and clowns now.

    2. My sister loved unicorns, and because she worked in a card shop at the time, she bought two stuffed unicorns. I was studying with an elder's wife and she mentioned that unicorns were pagan, etc... but, sis, always one not to bend to the powers that be (at least not completely), just cut the horns off and sewed up the holes. Of course, she collects unicorns now, and is a pagan (so am I)!!!

    Here's to happy and free heathens everywhere!!!

  • DanTheMan

    I feel a lot like Shamus - there is little that I don't regret, as far as what has happened in my life thus far.

    The big ones are not going to college, joining JW's, abstaining from dating "wordly girls" during my JW years, developing deeply dysfunctional personality traits (now trying to change at 32, not easy), etc..

  • berten

    >We all have wished that if we had just one more chance to make a decision and COULD HAVE changed things, we would have done >something differently. Is there anything that you would have changed in your life if only you could?... You know the JW-rule which says not to get romantically involved with a non-JW? I wish I could meet that girl again who I practically ran away from at school because of that stupid rule...

  • gatekeeper

    <<I wonder how many regret getting rid of valuables and heirlooms because they were "demonized". My husband and I started dating in our Freshman year of High School. He gave me a beautiful silver cross with a rose on it. I saved it for 3 1/2 years and wore it on our wedding day. A couple of years later we started studying with the dubs and I was told I had to throw it out, and I did. I hate myself for that. That first year that we did not celebrate Christmas and birthdays and Father's Day I thought we were being so good, and then my father died. I hate it that I let someone else do my thinking. Someone who did not give a shit about my father or my memories. Gatekeeper

  • Hamas


    Are you the gatekeeper?

    lol.... I am the keymaster

  • coffee_black

    Being baptized at age 8.

    Quitting college after 1 year to marry the wrong man (My elder dad believed in education, and it killed him when I quit. I should have listened to him)

    Staying married to the wrong man for almost 20 years

    Not questioning the organization earlier.


  • minimus

    Getting baptized at 8.......WHEW!!!! C'mon, you musta knew what you were doin'! And I thought getting baptized at 9 was a big deal!

  • xjw_b12



    4. Not insisting to Big Tex that we buy the dining table carved out of a single freeform piece of mahogany that I found in the rain forest of St. Croix despite the price (he agrees with me now).

    He agrees with you or does he have to agree with you. You're not browbeating the poor fellow are you?

    BTW welcome to gatekeeper.

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