My story (in depth) PHEW!

by Aztec 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • Pleasuredome

    thanks aztec for the insight into your life. i think you're a wonderful person!



    Thanks for sharing your story. Geez, there are so many things we don't know about each other do we?

    Thanks for opening up. There are many people on here who were raised in the Borg. like you were and may be feeling similarly or can relate to some of your feelings.

    Glad you are with us: we'll Love Bomb you, all the time....coz we think the world of ya .


  • happyout


    Thank you for sharing your story, and I'm sorry your life started off so rough. Thankfully, you have turned it around.

    I don't mean to pry, but did you press charges against the guy who raped you?

    You are a valuable member of this forum, I always enjoy your posts.

    Take care,


  • LyinEyes

    (((((((Aztec))))))) you come a long way baby!!!!!!!

    Your childhood was alot like mine, my dad was the PO , super elder, and I got beat at almost every meeting, out by the plum tree, or had to wait for my beating at home. I still can not even figure out what I did so bad to get the whippings I did. I really think my dad just wanted an excuse to beat me into submission, as I was always strongwilled. I did laugh alot durning the meetings, and I could be found drawing on anything I could get my hands on. I remember once I got a beating for sneaking in a little tiny doll in my pocket.

    I am glad you and your son are free now and I know with my kids, I am trying to make up to the child that I was thru them. There are no beatings, there is no silence , they are open to speak their mind.

  • outnfree


    Somehow I'm sitting here wanting to hold you in my arms, and smooth your hair. I am so sorry for the abuse you endured, and also grateful that you feel secure enough here to reveal it.

    How fortunate I am to have met you! Your warmth and intelligence are lovely to behold!


  • Country_Woman

    keep happy with your son - may he grow up as strong as his mother.

  • Agent Double- O- Soul
    Agent Double- O- Soul

    Beaten up for learning for learning Kingdom Melodies!! For cryin' out loud, that's a crazy one. Seems there's no end to the surprises you get from someone's lousy experiences. Hope you're surviving ok, Aztec. You seem like a cool kid, anyway. Git on over there, stick "Smash It Up" by The Damned on the tape recorder & pogo all over him!



  • Realist


    i am soooooooo sorry you had to go threw so many awful things!!!! first your violent father than this rapist how can you trust man at all?

    but it is GREAT that you are happy now!!!!!!!!!

    many hugs!!!!


  • AlanF

    Nice job on your story, Aztec! I'm glad you wrote it, and that you're into living life now rather than the sham of a life that JWs make for you. What an idiot your father is, not appreciating such a fine, loving daughter.


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