Just drop off the key Lee, make a new plan Stan, jump off the bus Gus, an get yourself free.
Sounds easy, but its not!
Education, information, history, theraphy. There are many web sites today with information to help. Lots of expierence from those who are doing it, and many around who have done it. A long process that redifines almost all your mental walls, and many of your emotional ones. Could it be summed up with a single post, a "magic bullet", I wish. There are a thousand ways that people leave, DFed, DAed, or just finally wake up after a long sleep. The mind starts questioning once again, and as soon as you are ready to become open about considering all the information presto zingo you are kicking yourself for having been so gullible.
Recently I have been studying what my garndma and my dad were reading in thier respective time peroids. Grandma was of the annointed class, sounds kind of special, untill you realize that everyone in her time was. My dad saw the dates for "Christ presence" and "the begining of the time of the end" changed around a couple times in his life time. I saw the great 1975 hype rise, burn bright, and then wither in the dust, not even to have been a "marked year" later. As though it never really happened! My kids are seeing the "last generation of 1914" being redifined. Looking at these 40 or so pages of Watchtower quotes cronoligcally with all the dates for births, marraiges, and deaths in the family, you can see two things. Why my dad and other oldsters didn't get much of a kick out of the 1975 thing, and also the total and utter fallibility of the Watchtowers application of Bible Chronology. Examining the record is in fact a very good thing to do as the Society advises us all to do! From 1874 when the "slave class" (Barbour and Russell) began thier date fixing, to 2000 as they are still molding and changing it, the one constant is simply that they have never been correct, never really had an "accurate knowledge!" Lots of excuses are offered though for the faithful followers from "we never said that" to "a true phrophet can admit thier mistakes" and my favorite of all time "we meant well." How about "many read into it" or "you shouldn't be serving for a date"? Nothing like a slap in the face from the ones who came up with the dates to begin with.
Get me going!