I only give credit to my JW upbringing because I really can't think of another reason I would handle the situation like I do. The situation is this: I am constantly being tested with my honesty. I am either being given more money back than I should at the store and sometimes even at the bank. I have found several wallets too. My concience will not allow me to keep what isn't mine. One time (after I was df'd) I went to make a deposit and the bank teller not only gave me the correct deposit receipt, but she gave me the exact amount back in cash. I had put my paycheck in and was going to take out only $150.00 back in cash. It was a holiday weekend coming up and the lines were real long. I didn't bother counting the money until I got home. It was so tempting to keep the extra amount. I wasn't able to reach the bank teller for a couple of days. When I did call and tell them what happened, the bank teller was so thrilled that I called to return the money that she sent me a "thank you" card and flowers. My first thought was one of those replies "It is because of my religious upbringing that I live my life this way." JW or XJW;No matter how many bad things I've done since I left the org. I can not tolerate dishonesty when it comes to other people's money or property. I don't think it is in my nature to react that way because I always need more money. I believe it is because of my belief in God and that when he says "you will reap what you sew" and "do unto others as you would want them to do to you." There are benefits to living this way. I can sleep at night.