Do You Ever Slip Back into JW auto mode?

by core 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Very a propos comments, all.

    One thing that fascinates me: I go through stages where I more and more intensely think...nay, insist!...that I'm absolutely not in JW-mode, and then an issue is discussed (usually on this db) that "pushes me into a corner" and, like a flash, I realize "Craig, you're in denial!"

    As much as I have changed over this last year, the fact remains that I've got a long long long way to y'all just keep pushing me, eh?


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    My first thought was one of those replies "It is because of my religious upbringing that I live my life this way."

    Jessica, I'd agree it's deeply ingrained because of your upbringing, but I doubt it had much to do with JWs...Anyone raised by adults who were scrupulously honest in word and deed whatever the religion (as I was) has the same really loud conscience.

    Grandma and Grandpa have been dead for several years but I can't bring myself to do things that would disappoint them (or Uncle Wayne, or Mom and Dad). Mostly because I don't disagree with what they taught me. I always admired them and was proud they were my family. I still am. I still have that, "Our family are good, moral people. We don't do things like that" deep in my bones.

  • Uzzah

    Some years ago I had to read the riot act to my little brother (who was in his early teens) who had started getting into the habit of lying and was caught stealing money out of his mother's purse.

    My Dad asked me to talk to him. So we had a long chat among other things stating the strength of character it takes to be honest, but I finished it with, in our family we have all screwed up in one way or another, but what keeps us together as family is that as ******* (insert my family name) we do not lie and we do not take that which is not ours! If you are going to keep lying or stealing, at least change your name.

    To his credit, he changed things around in his life and he is doing well. I had actually forgotten about this conversation until my last visit home. He had been given the wrong change, they gave him the amount of the purchase instead of the change. ABout a $45 difference. He returned it immediately. When asked how he came to be so honest, he replied...

    Because I am a ***family name*** and we don't take things that doesn't belong to us.

    It was then that I remembered the conversation I had with him some years back. I was rather proud of my little brother.

    So it has nothing to do with religion. It has do to with values taught to people. That said however, many of the JW values we learned are not necessarily bad things.


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