I know I'm probably a bit behind here, but I've just read from another site, that the WT has "ordered a crackdown (via the CO's to the local Elders) on Inactive ones........." Where's this info come from? and can someone explain exactly what this means?
Crackdown on Inactive ones?
by ScoobySnax 23 Replies latest jw friends
Hi !
Check out this thread for more, the crackdown was ordered in the March KM 2003.
the crackdown was ordered in the March KM 2003.
Wasn't that done from Jan2003 to March 2003. Why are they doing it again?
Cheers Hamas Anyone have a scan of the KM March 2003? I have no problem with this supposed "crackdown" just guess I want to know where I'll stand. The Memorial was in April, and many approached me including the elders and the P.O but I never got a hint of this.......??? Just wondering
I had the scan but I managed to lose it somehow
Try asking Stephanus, don't suppose he would mind sending you the scans.
ok will do that. Thanks
Pork Chop
Old news, and as far as I can tell very little happened.
Actually there has not been a crackdown. The effort albeit a shortlived one was to attract back those who have been on the outs for a while. No letters were sent by HQ advising any witch hunt. At this point anyway.
There has been no explicit crackdown. Explicitly, elders have received a directive to search out inactive ones to see if they will return to Mommy.
But elders have not received this directive in a vacuum. The Society knows perfectly well that many elders are hard-nosed, fanatical cultists and will take any sort of waffling on the part of an inactive one as a direct statement of disassociation. The Society is perfectly happy to have such people put on the "disassociated" list, since it gets them out of its hair.
In this -- and several elders have told me of their digust for the Society's cynical directive -- the Society is being extremely cynical and underhanded. So what else is new?
How are inactives in the WTS's hair? Don't they all get to be counted when WTS does the numbers?