Study July 6, 2003 Listen to What the Spirit Says

by jgnat 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • avengers

    What if we discern that we are getting sleepy spiritually? We should act quickly for our own good.

    They're not heeding their own advice in child abuse matters, matters were they were caught with shares in the military,
    tobacco-industry, pollution.

    They acted quickly though when they were caught in bed with the scarlet-colored wild beast.


    edited, 'cause something went wrong.

  • Hapgood

    Well said termite! As I was reading this article all I could think was "Sisters keep your places!" This is pretty hard hitting and very degrading to the women. We've been called "hunks of hair bag of bones", cows, now Jezebel's. I can't help but wondering if some of the jw women have been talking among themselves about the child abuse issue and are starting to question the way things have been done. Just a thought. I agree with Francois, that something is brewing. When I read this article I felt sick to my stomach, my jw hubby just takes in this poison without thinking about what is being said, very scary. He's probably thinking to himself "that woman Jezebel sure fits my wife". The women now get to have two labels slapped on them, we get to have the distinction of being known as apostates and Jezebels.

    And thank you jgnat for doing such a fine review.


  • 95stormfront
    They acted quickly though when they were caught in bed with the scarlet-colored wild beast.

    Only in regards to the act of "pulling it out" and getting the hell out of the room...

    Like the busted man whose wife just walked in on him and his mistress, the WT still proclaims that all didn't see what they actually thought they saw.

    (with pointed finger and stern look to the flock)------"I did not have......sexual relations.....with that woman....the WTS........"

    And just like Clinton...the WTS' left it's stained DNA upon history for all to see.

  • Banshee

    This article just proves what I always thought while I was a JW. The only way a woman can have approval from the WTS is to be a Stepford Wife.

  • joe_from_kokomo

    Jgnat: "Blanket guilt", how appropos! Right on the mark! Their blanket guilt statements can mean anything to almost anyone, kinda like a fortune teller telling you that "you may meet up with someone you know from your past"! All of these blanket statements feed into their self-fulfilling prophecies about providing timely spiritual food.

    And it was no different during any of the "Local Needs" talks either. These are also filled with blanket guilt statements. I could never tell if they were talking about me or some other brother or sister, or those ne'er-do-well teenagers in the congregation. I was always left wondering if I had done something wrong...

    A CULT needs guilt to keep its members in line. True faith is not based on FEAR.

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