Help me find the right antedote to wake sleeping beauty

by shotgun 34 Replies latest social family

  • shotgun

    Thanks all ......would you suggest a cold turkey approach to meetings.

    I have still been going but It would gag a maggot the way my stomach turns when I have to endure listening to what I now know is crap.

  • Gamaliel

    I wouldn't go if it's really making you sick. I'd tell her why, too. But I found that I could go for many years after knowing because I still had an interest in the Bible, especially the Interlinear. Meetings became educational again, since Greek was a hobby. And no one was the wiser, not even me, as it turned out.

    Yeah! I'd just leave as soon as you can.


  • RunningMan

    Just one other thing. Make sure that your wife knows that you consider her more important than religious beliefs (either pro or con). If she returns the sentiment, then you are on the way. She may not be able to immediately, but it may make her wonder why not.

  • shotgun
    I'm still attending but its difficult and I was wondering if I stopped would this make my wife see how serious I am about this or would it just make it harder for her as now we become a marked family in the cong and the issue for the latest gossip.

    I've been struggling with my mind each meeting is my last but then I go again.

  • shotgun

    She took my the most precious part of my life and left me tonight..............

  • jgnat

    Drat! Get some legal help. I mean it. Sometimes a serious spouse can turn a partner around. If you want some specific advice, you can PM me.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Not a good turn of events at all. I'm so sorry to hear that she took off with your daughter. Do you know where they are? Get a good, tough lawyer and you may have to teach him how the Watchtower operates.

  • shotgun

    She is with a relative...She said she loves me but loves Jehovah more. She has read some of the info I left laying around like the flip flips on who will be resurrected, The Finished Mystery and even the UN NGO.

    But its me ...I twist everything to make the org look bad. Why can't I give the imperfect men who run the org the respect they deserve. Sure they make mistakes we all do but Jehovah sets things straight.

    I guess I'm screwed, I can't go back and she now understands I've only been holding on because I love her and my little sunshine and she says thats not enough.

    The elders are coming on Friday night to exercise my demons.....I don't care anymore, bring it on.

  • SixofNine
    Why can't I give the imperfect men who run the org the respect they deserve.

    Why can't she give her husband the respect he deserves?

    In any case, you are 50% of the child, make sure she knows you know that. A court (especially in Canada) won't look to kindly on a mother trying to gain custody for this reason.

  • jgnat

    I counseled single parents for many years. The "rejected" partner, in the interests of making peace, often makes many concessions early on in the breakup. Typically, the rejected partner is talking conciliation while the other is cleaning out the bank accounts and consulting a lawyer. I don't want you to lose it all in these critical few weeks. You at least want liberal access to your daughter, and that could be at risk (even if it is illegal) if the elders get the idea that you are a spiritual threat.

    If this was my family I was fighting for, I would do everything in my power to show the elders that this is an unjustified breakup (according to WT doctrine). If you manage to convince the elders that this marriage is salvagable, it will dramatically cut your wife's leverage down at the KH. Let them know ON UNCERTAIN TERMS how serious you are about working things out. How you will not get in the way of your wife's spiritual obligations.

    Whether this is true or not is up to you. But with one of her major supports cut off, you are in a better position to negotiate reasonably with her.

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