The GB, Corporation Officers, Senior Writing Staff and James 4:17

by IslandWoman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Island Woman,

    I don't mind you asking at all. The answer to your question is: neither. First, let me state that I have no need for the God hypothesis (it is a hypothesis, mind you) although I think it is a possibility and actually hope there is some sort of divinity. I would classify myself as an agnostic who has some vague leanings toward theism. But -- but -- I am totally atheistic towards the belief in the Christian God or any other god of traditional religions. I think the only type of God that is scientifically and philosophically possible is the God of the Deists.

    So, what came first -- the above understanding or the total loss of faith in the WTS? Again, neither. Both happened at the same time. I honestly don't see how it is possible for one to retain a belief in the Bible while at the same time losing their faith in the WTS. The differences between the JWs and evangelical Christians is not that great. In fact, the WTS is more in line with the Bible than many Christian sects. But, that's a different story.

    So, IW, my loss of faith was like a double helix -- intertwined and dependent on the other. Hope that answers your question.


  • IslandWoman


    I did not mean that you said they were all wicked.

    I also have not used the word reform in this thread. All I was suggesting was just as you said yourself:

    Now, if you are supposing that a handful of persons may do something about their "sin", I can accept that.


  • minimus

    IW, you did recently express that you were all for REFORM. So, I would think that you would hope the Big Shots in the org. might see their errors and do something about it, hence, the thread. Unless, I'm missing something here.

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Minimus,

    Yes, I am for reform.

    This particular thread though has to do with sin, the sin of not standing up for what they know is right before God.


  • minimus

    got it

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Bradley,

    So, IW, my loss of faith was like a double helix -- intertwined and dependent on the other. Hope that answers your question.

    Very well put!

    Thank you.


  • SixofNine
    Something which I hate to say, is deeply rooted in the male psyche, JW and exJW.

    LOL indeed!

  • metatron

    The argument that some good men still exist in the leadership is wearing thinner and thinner with every exposure

    of the organization that takes place. They force innocent dupes into dying for their blood transfusion fraud, they

    wreck families, they eagerly cover up child molesters, and they lie about all of it with little or no remorse.

    WHERE ARE the Dunlaps or Ray Franzes or Cabeens of TODAY? Where are the men of conscience?

    Look at the Watchtower today and see the effects of REVERSE CLEANSING - 'weeding out' the caring,

    the kind, the thoughtful, the ones who really want to imitate Christ. It's sick -- and getting sicker with every

    passing scandal.


  • minimus

    The bottom line is that the organization believes in sacrificing people for the greater good-----the organization. The organization and organization men will always stomp on principles so that the "truth" is allowed to remain. Yes, they know all about the blood issue, but they on't care or perhaps they don't care enough! Thet know but they close their eyes, ears and heart.

  • IslandWoman
    WHERE ARE the Dunlaps or Ray Franzes or Cabeens of TODAY? Where are the men of conscience?

    I suspect they are in the same place today where those men were 25 years ago. Living with the blood doctrine, the alternative service doctrine, the shunning policy etc. They followed, hoping for change;so do others there today.


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