Island Woman,
I don't mind you asking at all. The answer to your question is: neither. First, let me state that I have no need for the God hypothesis (it is a hypothesis, mind you) although I think it is a possibility and actually hope there is some sort of divinity. I would classify myself as an agnostic who has some vague leanings toward theism. But -- but -- I am totally atheistic towards the belief in the Christian God or any other god of traditional religions. I think the only type of God that is scientifically and philosophically possible is the God of the Deists.
So, what came first -- the above understanding or the total loss of faith in the WTS? Again, neither. Both happened at the same time. I honestly don't see how it is possible for one to retain a belief in the Bible while at the same time losing their faith in the WTS. The differences between the JWs and evangelical Christians is not that great. In fact, the WTS is more in line with the Bible than many Christian sects. But, that's a different story.
So, IW, my loss of faith was like a double helix -- intertwined and dependent on the other. Hope that answers your question.