Boy, I bet you and your missus have one heck of a story to tell!
by iiz2cool 139 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Boy, I bet you and your missus have one heck of a story to tell!
The basic trouble is, any Jw raised child is taught from day one that the borg IS JAH.
At the root, this publication is sending a message, KEEP IT WITHIN GOD'S REALM.
Which is not of help to anyone suffering abuse.....
I know that from experience that not all families discuss "sex" in anyway with their children. I came from that type of house hold and it was well after I left that i found out what the book discusses happens in the home, it even happened in my own family.
Not all witness children are "shut" out of the "sex" world. They believe that you can get to know a person before marriage, with wholesome activity, but from experience with my own family, they are finding out that the person that they married well let's say should have been left alone.
Welcome REAPER!!
i have a question for you, How does your family treat you now that you are no longer a JW?
Welcome Reaper and Lleonard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May you find peace !
To SOJ: Many of us are glad that the Watchtower organization is finally addressing the problem of sexual abuse of children. We do wonder, however, why it took so long since cases of abuse have been reported to the Watchtower Society for a number of years. The leaders of the organization must have known by the numbers that more children were going to be abused. Yet, no effort was made until bad publicity made the public aware of this problem.
Now, we sincerely question the motive of the Watchtower. Are these recent efforts merely a ploy to have as "evidence" to demonstrate in the courts? What has the Watchtower Society done to help the victims and their supporters? Why has it often disfellowshipped the victims and family members while keeping the perpetrators "in good standing" in the congregations? Why has it resisted giving financial aid to the viticms so they can seek professional help?
Until these questions are answered, we have good reason to criticize an organization that claims to represent God and Christ but abuses its most vulnerable members, its children.
Welcome reaper.....sorry to hear about your wife's sad abuse experience.
Gerard, great post with the dancing cartoon characters!!
so I guess this is the freshly cooked "food at the proper time" type of schpiel, you know, the kind that seeks to be cleared of a guilty "conscience" that of course being the bright lights of the media plus the fear of bringing on "reproach on Jehovahs organization" and not the actual desire to do the right thing. what a bunch of losers
"In all theocratic and social activities, children MUST be accompanied by more than one adult at all times.
looks good on paper but.........
I'm going to post a few things about "SwordOfJah"'s comments.
SwordOfJah said:
even if Jesus was here you would also ignore him and be criticizing everything he did.
If Jesus was here right now, you would need to start praying like never before and REPENT -- repent first of all because of your statements about child abuse -- and secondly because of your involvement with the Jehovah's Witnesses, and especially for your constantly defending the Watchtower Society.
What did Jesus Christ say about hurting children? See for yourself:
Matthew 18:5-6: Whoever receives one such little child in My Name receives Me, but whoever causes one of these little children who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him that a huge millstone should be hung around his neck, and that he should be sunk in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:10: See that you don't despise one of these little children, for I tell you that in Heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in Heaven.
Matthew 18:14: ...it is not the will of your Father who is in Heaven that one of these little children should perish.