WTS Addresses Child Abuse - er, kind of...

by iiz2cool 139 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    Iiz2cool wrote:

    It makes a poor show of telling children what to do when confronted by a child abuser.

    Yeah?...well I told my abuser, me being four at the time and he was sixteen, “I’ll tell on you!” Know what he did? He turned around and threatened me…His words: “You say one word and I’ll throw you in that pig sty….You know what pigs do? They will trample you in their feeding frenzy, you will become pig food!”

    Yeah, the “I’ll tell on you” really worked!…yeah right!

    Rayzorblade wrote:

    The first paragraph from the page indicating that Jehovah will protect 'you'

    Sure…he protected me!!!! Yeah!!! And how many others of the Silent Lambs did JehooberTM protect!

    Lisa wrote:

    I really think this is just a bunch of crap written to show judges and media.

    Yup!...I think you are right on!

    some grown-ups like to have sex with children. When they do, boys and girls may start to do bad things that they have learned from these grown-ups. They also begin to use their sex organs in a wrong way. – WT

    boys and girls start to do bad things?....so they need to feel guilty? The blame starts with those words..…blame is not healthy and it starts with the WT putting blame on those little victims. Protection of the criminal now begins. Yeah, lets all go back to the dubs now…..what were we thinking!…...right…

    children MUST be accompanied by more than one adult at all times.~~ WT

    Who is the borg protecting here? Potential victim? Predator? This is like an admission that the borg knows there are felons among their ranks who they are protecting.

    Pettygrudger wrote:

    feel like its their fault, as God didn't do anything about it. They feel they are REALLY evil, dirty & not worthy of God's love.

    You nailed it, petty…The little victims are made to feel it’s their fault and they are unworthy. Know something? That is EXACTLY the mindset that the WTS wants the dublets to have!!! To think they are unworthy!! They then become putty in the hand of the elders in the borg…Victims don’t trust themselves or their choices. They won’t make any of their own choices, thinking they will make a bad one. Then they give over the decision-making to the WTS.



  • Magneto

    Thanks to Walter WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up at the top of this post for supplying the newest proof of just how sick and twisted the Watchtower Society is.

    Having said that I've reposted Walter's piece with the more interesting points highlighted. For those of you who are slow, non-free thinking Dubs who have been sent here to spy on us (VERY Christian by the way), the numbered statements will correspond with the highlighted and numbered pieces of text in the Watchtower Publication, since I have no desire to expend energy retyping ANYTHING that spews forth from that twisted and evil organization.

    #1) Telling a child that "God" will protect them in times such as the situations described above IS WRONG. Telling them this implies for them that "God" will directly intervene when a sexual attack occurs. Failing that it furthermore implies that "God" will undo what damage has been done physically AND emotionally as a result of said sexual attack. When "God" does NOT follow through on these promises the WTS makes, what then? Is the child to assume that "God" didn't intervene because the child is not worthy of "God's" love and protection? Or is the child to think that even though "God" did NOT stop the sexual assault right then and there that all the results of said assault will be undone somehow? What's the WTS response to this when the child finds themselves plagued by nightmares or psychological episodes in the wake of said assault? Wouldn't that be proof that "God" has not "undone" the tragedy that has befallen this helpless child? "Why didn't he help ME? Is there something WRONG with ME?" will likely be the victims next thoughts. The emotional and psychological damage, even so the physical damage resulting from either, could possibly be irreversible.

    #2) Who is to say though that this will result in negative behavior? This child has endured one of the most horrible crimes imaginable in my opinion. But to assume they are more prone to "bad" behavior is just as hateful as abusing the child. ANYONE who makes a child feel "bad" or "unclean" in the wake of a sexual assault, should meet a horribly graphic, painful, and immediate end. Furthermore, those who protect the molester, (JW Elders who claim the accused confessed a sin to them regarding the abuse and thus are protected from revealing the abuser and bringing him to proper justice just for an example), should as well meet the fate described above. To protect a child molester on the ground of "religious confidentiality" or what ever the hell you call it, is BULLSHIT! You've given the molester license to continue his malicious assault on children unopposed. You should thus be held responsible as an accessory to the crime. Criminal negligence atleast.

    #3) Or perhaps they will be an Elder or other respected authority figure in your congregation. Or your father/stepfather or mother/stepmother. OR The pioneer/publisher/wahtever the hell you call yourselves knocking on your door. If your really lucky kids, it may even be a special "shepherding call" just for you! Come now Dubbies, lets not exclude yourselves from the possible suspects and potential criminals. You organization is corrupt who is to say some of you "loyal followers" aren't as well.

    #4) We MUST see predators for what they are! Sick twisted individuals who only wants sexual gratification by any means necessary. This is NOT limited to sex with children! It can be acts of depraved humiliation committed against the child, things so sick I care not to describe them. Or failing that the filthy bastard might just get off on beating the living shit out of your kids.

    #5) Please! Threatening to tell on him?!?! This line should continue....."and if I'm lucky threatening to expose you WON'T result in a rage induced violent outburst resulting a trip to the hospital for me, therapy or the rest of my natural life, or (GASP!) AN EARLY GRAVE!" Let us not also forget that the child to adult height ratio results in this piece of trash being in some cases 2 to 3 times the size of his victims. Do you know any child who is gonna defend themselves successfully from a fully grown man or woman? Much more escape being paralyzed with fear long enough to mount a defense?

    #6) Another line that was cut to short/miss-worded! Lets see what happens when its and Elder and his house they are talking about. Or perhaps a trusted member of the congregation! What will you do then JW parents? You better be sure to have "THE PREFERRED TWO WITNESSES TO THE SAME OFFENSE," or else you could just be overlooked by a council of Elders who think they don't have enough proof to do anything. And "God" help you if you warn other parents of the dangers to their children without proof. This could lead to dissension among the congregation, or distrust of your "Christian" brothers and sisters, and an outright division of your kingdom hall! What's gonna happen then? YOU WILL BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED for slander and conduct that created an unstable environment among your congregation!

    Do any of you Dubs or other people on here get it yet? The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a malicious cancer that must be expunged. I feel deeply sorry for all who put their faith and time and energy into this organization. I truly feel for the people who have been lead to believe that this is an organization that cares about their Christian beliefs. And I feel nothing but anger and violent rage for the people they protect who harm children. What child molesters need to understand is that IF YOU EVER HARM A CHILD FOR ANY REASON, YOU WILL BE CAUGHT, EXPOSED FOR THE PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE, AND PUNISHED. What the molesters and the people who protect them ALSO need to know is that THAT DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN THE POLICE WILL GET YOU. I know that if my girlfriend and I get married and have a child together, and she continues to go to the JW meetings that she goes to now, and that resulted in ANYWAY in a piece of gutter trash committing a sexual attack on my son or daughter, or wife for that matter, that lowlife Son Of A Bitch would do well to thank his or her "God" that the cops got them before I do.


  • SheilaM
    concrete advice to the children


    Correct CONCRETE advice is tell and keep telling until someone believes you. It would involve giving them hotline numbers. It would not equate masturbation with the crap these pedophiles do. It would tell them that pedophiles will threaten them and that they are not to listen it is NOT their fault. It would let them know they are CHILDREN and those bad people are adults and it is NEVER EVER their fault. I could go on and on.

    But, I believe the WORST yes the WORST thing they did was advise children without consulting a therapist on exactly what and how to write that information.

  • berylblue
    Even though SoJ is an utterly annoying twit, she/he makes a very good observation: whatever the Society does or prints, some "apostate" will find fault with it! They're in a "lose-lose" situation!

    I didn't know the WTS was in the business of attempting to please "apostates".

  • safe4kids

    Ohhhhh puh-leeeze! What a load of horse shit!!!!! Not only do they claim that Jehovah will protect them, they do the usual double-barrage of blaming other victims!!!!! It makes me sick...this is "help"?? If I believed in god, which I soooooo don't, I'd have to say god help us all! Fortunately, or unfortunately in the case of witness parents who read such drivel and exalt it as 'good', OUR children have parents who are aware of the dangers and give much more practical advice than an effing scripture or two and a stupid illustration of how to handle such a situation.

    Dana, of the 'now needs to vomit' class

  • waiting
    some grown-ups like to have sex with children. When they do, boys and girls may start to do bad things that they have learned from these grown-ups. They also begin to use their sex organs in a wrong way. – WT
    #2) Who is to say though that this will result in negative behavior? This child has endured one of the most horrible crimes imaginable in my opinion. But to assume they are more prone to "bad" behavior is just as hateful as abusing the child. -"Magneto has spoken"

    The way this sage WT advice is written specifically for children is wrought with inuendos and slyness.

    The above is a good example. And that IS a good observation by Magneto. Just because a child is abused...does NOT mean they will "use their sex organs in a wrong way." Why even bring it up? Why be concerned about the child engaging in sexual activity?

    Oh, that's right. It's the WTBTS - they police everyone's sexual behaviour .

    I HATE THIS PROBLEM WITH THE DAMNED SCRIPT SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • logansrun


    But, I believe the WORST yes the WORST thing they did was advise children without consulting a therapist on exactly what and how to write that information.

    How do you know they didn't?


  • SheilaM

    First it is a 'wordly" source. Secondly no therapist in their right mind would say the information that way to a child

  • pettygrudger

    Bradley - even you must admit that they place more emphasis (how many paragraphs) on the child NOT using their private organs in a "bad" sexual way. All that does is lead to guilt, and what does that say to any of the children reading this that have already been abused? I know it would have just re-confirmed to me that I was GUILTY!!!

    One puny sentence on "telling someone". The emphasis should have been on making sure they told, right away. And also that they haven't done ANYTHING WRONG, that they didn't do anything to encourage this behavior. They may have read an elementary pamplet on the do's & don'ts for kids (say no, tell), but they obviously didn't do too much attention to all the necessary information.

    They have totally negated the "guilt" factor in this situation, That's uno #1 to alot of victims if you haven't been reading their stories. The fact that the child is dealing with an adult, that has more manipulation variables than the offer of treats to get a child to do things.

  • joe_from_kokomo


    I can't decide if I should be shocked or angry. Somewhere in between I guess. I am floored by this excerpt, and I am damn glad that I left before the District Assy., as this would have done it for me and my family. I would have marched my family out of the convention center in front of everyone, yelling and shouting at those liars for their hypocrisy.

    This is about as transparent as it gets, folks.

    You know, I used to like the fact that the Society got right to the point on touchy matters, such as sex; but reading this piece left me feeling guilty - and I am an adult! I may not want to have sex for a month now, less I do something wrong with my sex organs! I don't even want to think about spirit beings watching my wife and I do it!

    It boils down to this: They risk giving many of the sweet and dear children in their congregations worldwide sexual hangups and sexual-related phobia for the rest of their lives, just so they can LOOK GOOD to the world.

    There's something DEEPLY WRONG about that.

    Note to SwordofJah: You are always entitled to your pro-Watchtower opinion. But remember "not to put your trust in nobles, or in earthling man", (including the so-called faithful slave class), "in whom NO SALVATION BELONGS". Ask yourself this: "Would Jehovah approve of this blatant hypocrisy, if it had occurred in Jeremiah's day, or Isaiah's day? Would he condone these writings while children were abused and "justice could not be found"?

    Then ask yourself this: "Am I a sharer in these works of hypocrisy?" Or, "am I guilty of attempting to be self-righteous for righteousness' sake?" Only you know the answer. You and your conscience, that is. I seek not to judge or insult you with this comment, but to reach your heart. You may not be an abuse victim, but you can certainly see that many have been, and this kind of thing is salt to the wound, and a finger in their eye to them. Remember that Christ said "what you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me..."

    As for me and my family, we found the answer to this last question ("am I a sharer of this hypocrisy?") very troubling... so we left.

    We got some "new light": Jehovah does not and never did reside on Columbia Heights in Brooklyn. What will you do, SwordofJah? Think about it...

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