How Did You Become Irregular and Then Inactive As A Publisher?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Low reports

    Fake reports (counted time on JWD)

    No reports

    No calls (of course we have caller ID and don't answer the calls)

    Irregular soon to be inactive in a few months and "off the books"

  • Gamaliel

    I switched to my wife's congregation shortly before getting married. Since I was giving the talk in my old cong one Sunday, I offered to bring my Publisher's record cards back with me. I kept all the old ones dating back to like 1962-1980. But I still reported time up until I wrote a DA letter, what really started to fall off wasn't the hours, but the literature placements until they became zero in my last two months. I had started to go to college before I left, so I was counting the hours I spent writing papers on cults, religion, and discussions with classmates and workmates about religion, and discussions about why I was going to leave the JWs that I had with my brother, my relatives, campus Rabbi, campus fundie ministries, hints to Bethelites who'd still take my calls, old Bible Studies, etc. I was talking about religion more than any previous time in my life, even from pioneer days, but I always cut it down to about 10 hours a month to avoid arousing suspicion.


  • Elsewhere
    How Did You Become Irregular and Then Inactive As A Publisher?

    I cut nearly all fiber from my diet and went on a dairy benge. I found this to be very effective.


    I did the slow fade thing... started giving them fate time... then none at all. Over time I started missing more and more meetings. Then one day someone giving a talk at the TMS said that it would be better for someone to leave the organization than to be fake in their faith... so I put all my stuff in my book bag and walked out never to return.

    I tested myself to see if I really did not believe and donated blood. When I did that with no problem I knew. (I still donate on a regulare basis) Someone saw me donate and turned me into the elders... they said that I could be DFed for it, I told them that I would DA instead. You should have seen the look on their faces.

    I got a few more visits from friends and family begging me not to leave. They seemed to be under the impression that if I left their book-club I would some how be leaving their god. I told them that I hated to leave, I just could not fake the life anymore. It was driving me nuts. I told them that I would respect their belief if they would respect my non-belief.

    So here I am... shunned.

  • shamus

    I just quit going. No response from the elders. Strange, in that I assisted with another brother in the book department and ran the sound department.

    Then, I moved quite suddenly. No response.

    Have been happy ever since!

  • Hapgood

    I was irregular for years, none of the elders said anything to me. I think they asked my husband once in awhile if my daughter or I had any time to turn in, but they never asked me. In Jan. 1998, I became totally inactive, but still continued to attend some meetings until I stopped going altogether in Dec. 2001. All that time, almost 4 years, that I was inactive, but still attending meetings none of the elders said anything to me about my lack to time. I guess I wasn't worth their time or trouble. Ah, now I'm feeling sorry for myself (not).


  • BluesBrother
    One of the elders looked as if he was about to cry.

    Do you mean he actually cared for you as a member of the flock? That is really rare these days.

    I had been an elder, WT Conductor & Secretary , After I came off , (or was I removed? ) I never knocked a door again . We had a study going with an old man and I went on that . After 3 or 4 months I got tired of reporting ,for the sake of maintaining a record with that Org. I stopped. The study kept going although it drifted more into social calls as he was getting past the point of understanding any more.

    No one ever asked me for a report . No one cared . According to their beliefs I was sliding out the door into the toaster and they could not care less.

    4 years ago and they still leave me alone.

  • bittersweet

    hmmmm...can't quite remember. I think when I stopped going to meetings, I stopped turning in time. The elders may have asked my husband for my time, I'm not sure. They pretty much left me alone, thankfully.

  • unique1

    I still turn in fake time. I figure I talk to people about the bible and that is time. I usually get a call at the beginning of each month asking for my time for the previous month. This past time he called late on the 4th and I was DRUNK! I just kept laughing, but turned in 2 hours like a good little girl. I am such a push over.

  • SadElder

    I've not reported for 4 months and no one has asked. After being in the hospital and home for almost two months during which time I saw one elder in my house. Indeed the love of the greater number has cooled off.


  • micheal

    I just ran away and never showed my face again. Boy oh boy am I ever happy I did that!!!

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