Well I have a cover. It can be changed if we want something different but here is a sample
FOOD at the Proper Time - JWD Cookbook
by Lady Lee 33 Replies latest jw friends
I think that's a fantastic title! It will appeal to all but has the 'special significance' that JWs will know - very clever.
I can't wait for everyone to cook the recipes and send me samples ... that is how it works isn't it?
I loooove the cover! And the choice of words. mmmm, Simon, I think my biscuits would be rather stale by the time they get there, but if you are game...
Lady Lee
Sorry Simon That isn't how it works. LOL
People will buy the book and the forum will get the money. Which by the way is something we will need to be talking about soon. The book should be done in about a week and ready to go to the publisher. After approval it will be a few days before they get it posted on the site and I can post the URL for it.
Considering the size of the book they will recommend it goes for about $15 US. Once payment is confirmed the book the download link will be sent to the buyer. The book will be in pdf format - the standard for most e-books.
Also due to the size of the book JWD will be getting 70% of the sale price on every book. So on every $15 book JWD should get about $10 - $11.
Think that might help Simon?
Glad you both like the cover - thought it was rather eye-catching myself and had fun making it
You are so awesome! I can't believe how kind you are.
Lady Lee
aw shamus
Well enough people were saying we ought to do something so um .. ah.... I just took the pot by the handle lol
If this helps keep the board going then that would be great.
With a title such as that, I wonder how many JW's will end up buying it. LOL
I think it looks wonderful!!!! Can't wait to buy it. What a kind gesture on your part, to put so much time and energy for the benefit of others.
I appreciate you support Lady Lee but I don't want any more than to cover the costs of running the site. I think you should keep more to cover your own efforts in doing all this (and hope it's a great success). If not, then I think the extra money should go to a charity.
In the end, I'll be happy if someone sends me a biscuit or bakes me a pie
Lady Lee
it would be great if the JWs start buying it - what a hoot - certainly a large market
Well Simon there will probably be a few sales initially and then sales will probably drop (unless you have some kind of link to it as "encouragement" lol
The initial idea of this was to raise $$$ for the upkeep of the site. People contributed with that purpose so I wouldn't feel right changing the terms
The book is created by everyone so I would think all those who contributed should have a say about what happens to any $$$ earned.