It's a fair question!
At some point, there has to be a collision between decades of Theocratic dumbing
down and the actual needs of an international organization that must cope with
politics, legal challenges, and rapidly advancing technology.
If the only way your Witness faith can survive is by deliberately isolating your
mind and whoring your God-given powers of reasoning, in what way does that
enable the survival of Watchtower, Inc.? Somebody has to think! - and somebody
has to be certified or licensed or the product of a graduate school.
So far, they survive by stubbornly clinging to sterile ( and almost satirical)
anachronisms.. At assemblies they deliver long windy 'resolutions' that engender drowsiness
and still have a Sunday "public talk" - during which attendance often drops
because , without handbills or placards, they forgot to tell the "public".
I can't converse with most adult Witnesses anymore without part of me feeling
that I'm talking to a five year old child - or someone trying to reason as such.
A stroll thru the ocean of Kingdom Hall souls would scarcely get your feet wet.
Take a good look at recent Watchtower events and I think you start to notice
the effects of amateurs trying to maintain their audiences' sense of mystery
while downsizing, cutting back, dissembling, lying, or just stumbling around
(Armageddon is Soon! but we need a new factory at Wallkill, folks). If religion wasn't
constitutionally protected, these self important bozos would have wrecked
themselves years ago. No "worldly" corporation would ever be permitted to
commit such fraud ( "You promised a Paradise when????")
It's truly amazing to think that what little scholarship they possessed is actually
in the past. They just can't crank out a worthy defense of blood or a deep attack
on evolution and so must rely solely on their audiences' prejudices instead.
So, they cast evolution or the internet or whatever in dark terms and fearful
warnings while too impotent to debate any of it.
I'm really interested to see just how far they can get while plumbing the depths
of willing Witness stupidity. We might all be surprized. At least, so far, I am.