Could the Watchtower Get 'Too Stupid to Live'?

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk


    (anyone else notice that stands for Feminine Deodorant Spray as well as Faithful and Discreet Slave?)

    Actually, no! But that’s because the former is aromatic and the latter stinks like hell!

    Concerned Mama,

    I’m distraught to learn that Watchtower received good publicity.

    The only JWs I know are smart as anything, yet remain firmly controlled by the WT, no matter how little sense that cult makes.

    Yes, intelligence has nothing to do with being sucked into the lies and deceit. Even now I can hardly believe I fell for that absolute trash – but then I come here and console myself that I’m not the only one.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Dansk, I have been a bit puzzled by the lack of indepth coverage of controversial JW issues here. Nothing on the abuse issue, and a bit of coverage of Bethany's case. Yet, other church groups have had their scandals thoroughly covered. I would say, however, that there is generally a very positive coverage of religious events here, in the paper, especially of enthusiastic, pentacostal type youth conventions. I wonder if the editor or publisher had ever been threatened with a lawsuit or something, resulting in them becoming wary of taking on the Watchtower.

  • metatron

    The tragedy of all this 'shunning' mania is that, eventually, it wrecks what little warmth remains in Witness congregations.

    I actually knew about an inner city hall where an elder had to ask his wife who was df'd because he couldn't remember anymore

    ( there were that many). I know an elder presently who approaches new attending with caution "because they could be df'd".

    Every congregation has sisters shunning each other because of perceived insults, slights, etc. Just try assigning talks

    or demonstrations or groups in field service and take note of 'who won't work with who'.

    I knew a sister who shunned her Witness father, who was in good standing. He died suddenly of a heart attack.

    Sad, isn't it?


  • ashitaka

    Met, Dansk and Badwillie,

    They've done the exact same thing with me. No phone calls, no harassment, but I know that they are actively shunning, giving talks frequently on apostacsy in the old cong. Shunning, the practice of it, is brilliant. It's not written on paper, it's not official, and therefore cannot be sued for it. It is subtle and cold. DF'ing is going to be a thing of the past. No more DF'ing, just shunning, that way, they are techinically not liable if someone commits suicide, etc.

    I've held open doors to some people from the old cong, when I see them coming in and out of stores in my old hometown, and they literally turned their noses up at me. I laughed at them as they walked by.

    There was no official announcement, but I was told, through about thirty different channels of comminucation, that I was 'marked'. People ten congregations removed knew this. My name, which previously no one knew anywhere, was everywhere.

    As a good witness everyone ignored me. As an apostate, I'm practiaclly a JW celebrity! LOL

    And so goes Met's theory. They are too stupid to live. Eventually, they will be so stupid, that anyone even remotely intelligent will see through the bullshit, and fade away.




    The WT has the co-dependence thingy.....They prop each other up...


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