Well, I don’t know about that. Many people feel like JWs are terrorizing them by coming to their doors uninvited often. That is why so many would like laws preventing it. JWs terrorize each other at their meetings, scaring them into serving God, holding death at Armageddon over their heads. Can you think of more ways?
For starters.
Spiritual terrorism: "marking" talks, CO and elder "do more, do more, do more, and when you're done that, do some more" pep rallies
stealth bombs: WT literature filled with "loaded language" like labeling -- "apostates", "table of demons", and "weasel words" like "evidently", "apparently", "it is logical to conclude that...", etc.
MOAB: "...so and so is disfellowhipped from the x congregation..." without further explanation or charges or chances to explain your side
F-16s: the weekly and daily assaults on people who have said "NO" dozens of times but they just keep coming.
Suicide bombers: those that assault through mental gymnastics and guilt trips into thinking the big "A" is just around the corner therefore any of life's activities should be cancelled (1975)
Physical terrorism: the JW pedophile paradise (arguably you could throw spiritual and emotional terrorism into that too)