If you're a Christian

by Euphemism 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    For those of you who remained Christians after leaving the WTS... do you attend a church or bible study group? What kind, and why?

    (I apologize if this subject has been done before... I couldn't find it in the archives. But if anyone provides me a link, I will gladly recant my question.)

  • gumby

    Hi eufie.

    I don't do the christian thing anymore as you might know.......but I can tell you what I did when I was one.

    I knew the charismatic thing was out from my own knowledge as a dub and was good with my believe there. I did attend a few from some invitations and ended walking out everytime scarred s**tless!

    I attended some non-denominational churches and attended some of them and wasn't real impressed.

    I was told about BSF.(bible study fellowship) which was a deep study of the bible and you took home information with a question page. At the next meeting you discuss your answers on the question page and it's a free for all. Nobody is told they are wrong however.....they simply state their views. I did this for about 4 years then attended "Grace" baptist church for the next three because the pastor was a teacher at a bible colledge and seemed to know his stuff. I never liked the social stuff and functions.....I just wanted to learn.

    Take care,


  • Gordy

    You can't remain a Christian after leaving the WT, because you have never been one.

    I left a man-made organisation, not God. I still had the desire to worship God, even after nearly 30 years as a JW. Not because they had got me that way , but because I did feel a need to worship.

    On trying to find somewhere I soon discovered that there are lots of small groups who meet on fellowship as Christians. Like minded people who have set up their own fellowship. Usually mainly people from the Church of England and the Roman Catholic church, who had felt that those churches were losing their way and had turned aside from Christian teachings.

    I ended up attending a Pentecostal church. Why? Because I felt that God was there. They believe implicity in the Bible and only use it, no magazines books etc telling you what to believe. I suppose the biggest thing was that I'm able to discuss with members your views without fear of being considered "apsotate" and bing kicked out. The Pastor is a great speaker and makes the word of God alive. But you can go to him and say you don't agree with him or as had happen point out he was wrong on something. Then he will get up next Sunday and admit he had got it wrong. It is similar within the Bible classes they hold, or at the housegroups. You can discuss your beliefs and not be afraid someone will run off and tell an Elder. My son (28) also an ex-JW also now attends, when a JW he would never speak about God etc, unless he had to, at meeetings or field service etc. He has been attending for about 2 years now, and you can't shut him up for wanting to discuss Christ.

    I've been attending for 3 years now and have seen more love in action than I did in all the years as a JW. Towards me and to others, even those not of the church. A couple of years ago a man who lived locally to the church, was murdered in the street close by. That next Sunday afterwards the Pastor asked if we could give that mornings tithes and offerings to the mans family, as they would be facing some hardship. We raised about £500 and he took it round the next day. That family had no connection whatsoever with the church. This and similar ones shows Christian love in action, compared to the JW version.

    The church is very evangelistic, and has even a program of calling on people homes!! They have a good youth program, clubs on Saturday morning and evening, open to all youths in the area.

    I'm not saying everything they do is right or wrong or perfect, they even admit that themselves, but the freedom of it is refreshing after the JW's.

  • Billygoat

    Hi Euph!

    Yes, I am a Christian. But like Gordy, I don't consider my time as a JW being a Christian. I became a Christian about 5/6 years after my dfing. I now attend a Protestant church and have been pretty active there since I began attending about 6 years ago. I attend it because they utilize the Bible during sermons and Bible Study times. I really enjoy it and can't imagine my life without this group of people - they've become very special to me. They leads their lives the way Jesus Christ did. Of course, they aren't perfect, but it's obvious they try to do the right thing.

    Basically, what I've found out about "Christendom", is completely the opposite of what the JWs would like you to believe it is. There is a LOT of love, direction, help, and TRUE friendship in the Christian world. Every denomination has their bad apples/congregations, but I don't think that means there is no God or no good in the world's religions. I consider myself a free-thinker and I'd be considered a pretty liberal Christian by many standards, but my relationship with God and Jesus Christ is of utmost importance in my life.


    PS: I've never attended, but my MIL has been going to BSF for several years now and says it's wonderful. I've heard many other people say the same thing.

  • drwtsn32
    "Christendom", is completely the opposite of what the JWs would like you to believe it is.

    There are lots of things that are the opposite from what the JWs teach. When you said that I thought about "worldly" people. The WTS instills this fear of non-JWs into its members. JWs avoid associating with worldly people as much as possible and has the side "benefit" of drawing JWs together. It's just another cult tactic.

    It sounds dumb, but my wife and I were "surprised" with how nice, intelligent, and sincere "worldly" people are... non-JWs can be excellent people!! It demonstrated the mental conditioning we received while growing up in the organization.

  • mouthy

    Jehovahs Witnesses are NOT Christians. They are Micheal followers.( The Ark Angel) Jesus is NOT Micheal as the Watchtower taught me.Yes I am now a Christian( I asked Jesus to be MY LORD & Savior as the Bible says. ) I go to differant Churches -but I have become well known for being MOUTHY.

    I walked into a Baptist church -I had spoken there-& they had great big $$$$$$ signs up of how much they needed for the building fund. I told the Pastor -I cant bring a JW in here> not with that sign up-So he went right away & took it down. I have taken many EX Jw since that- Then at a meeting one time -same church they were discussing weather Baptists should drink or not---- It turned in to a real argument- The Pastor asked me to get up & say a few words at the end >I got up & said it was a good job they werent JW because what I had just witnessed they would ALL be Disfellowshipped.( got a laugh)
    I have a personal relationship ( oh no not again Grace) I dont have to go anywhere to speak to my Friend Jesus.He is here all the time- But if I feel lonely & want to meet some folk-or feel like encouraging or being encouraged I look through the churches being adverised & away I go..I do tell all the young ones in this support group( that are looking for mates) go to their singles groups -Most of them are looking for mates also- it is better than some of the "meat markets" that the "world" offers in the bars. O.K. my 2 cents as usual( I bet yor sorry you asked!!!!!!!!!!lol

  • Hapgood

    I consider myself a Christian, I've been reading the Bible without the JW interpretation, keeping an open mind, I'm really enjoy that. I haven't yet gone to a Chruch. But I'm considering going to the Episcopal Church with my Mom, I've heard some good things about that religion. The only problem with going to another Church is I'm not DA or DF, and my husband is still an attive JW, that would cause some problems.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I always enjoy your posts, totally common sense... something we seem to have nearly lost in today's world.

  • mouthy

    Well thank you my friend (((((((double edge)))))

  • gold_morning

    After I was disfellowshiped I spent 16 years away from God. Kind of like being in limbo land. About 6 years ago I began reading the bible. I could not believe how different it was from what I had been taught by the organization my whole life. My eyes were being opened and I was in shock. Finding out what the bible really said became a quest!!

    I became born again on October 27,1999!! I attend a Calvary Chapel church. They are non-denominational and are across the United States. I like it there very much. They teach the truth and use only the bible.

    For those that are afraid of the stigma of going to a church that has a name or belonging to a churchI highly recommend them.

    agape love, gold_morning

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