With 5 meetings a week plus field service, and additional reading of the bible and watchtower literature, what did you learn after all these years in the JW organization? Did we need all those meetings and time and effort just to know some simple details?
In all these years I spent there, this is just about all I can say I learned there:
1. God's name is Jehovah
2. Jesus is his son
3. The trinity doesn't exist
4. We are living the end times
5. 144,000 will live in heaven
6. The rest of people will live on the earth forever, unless they disobey
7. A few verses on what God likes and hates
8. The names of a few biblical people
9. 99.9% of people will be destroyed at armageddon
What did you learn in all these years as a JW? Did it really take all these meetings to know this?