hello there
by tinkerbell82 43 Replies latest jw friends
Hello. Glad you joined us.
wow, so many welcomes, i feel so loved already!! yes, i'm 21 (just turned about a month ago) from california. I was one of the unlucky born-in-the-truthers, hardcore believed in it until about age 12 when mom and dad got a divorce and ALL of our former friends shunned our entire family (but of course we still went to meetings like clockwork...even when everyone makes a point to ignore you, you still have to 'keep your eyes on the prize', right? ) that whole experience just caused me to question a lot of what i learned in the truth, and i realized that their version of the truth was highly unsatisfactory - but of course, being terrified of being destroyed in armaggedon and being also basically forbidden to leave the organization while still living in my parents' house, i went to meetings and conventions until i turned eighteen, at which time i promptly moved out of the house and proceeded to do all those things i had been forbidden to do as a JW kid - went to parties, got a tattoo, pierced practically everything in sight (and some things not exactly in sight as well)...you name it. thankfully i've settled down quite a bit since that initial period of getting used to having freedom. now i'm catching up on all the holidays i missed out on (i've gone trick or treating two years in a row now - thank goodness i'm kind of short!)
so that's basically my little story. i can post a pic as well, if that's allowed, i'm not quite up on all the rules yet...thanks again for all of your welcomes!!!
Welcome to this board Brooke!!!!!! Glad to have you here.
You can post a picture whenever/wherever you want to, Tinkerbell!
went to parties, got a tattoo, pierced practically everything in sight (and some things not exactly in sight as well)...you name it.
There are others here who did the same and they are all great! You'll love them!
*Calls Valis on the JWD Overcom*
Welcome tinker!!! Pics are welcome. I remember going through the finally can do everything phase too. Have fun, just don't get hurt. Enjoy the forum!!!
well darn it, i can't figure out how to do the picture thing!
OMG! Is your name (as you signed it on your prior posting) Brooklynn? You truly WERE raised by good JW parents!
I'm laughing. You're about the age of my oldest son. He got wise about the 'troof' at the age of 17. He stopped going to meetings and moved in with his dad (we'd been divorced many years by then). Later, after I was df'd, I realized just how wise he was! I never stopped loving him whole heartedly. I blamed myself for his falling away. Then I fell away.
We're closer now than ever. He lives in Florida, I'm a single mom (two left at home--boy 16 yrs, girl 11) in Ohio.
Welcome, Tinkerbell!
i was wondering if anyone would notice that..yup, its my real name! thanks for the welcome! :)