Honestly, what is the chance that a man is not getting *any* at home? None. Zilch. Nada.
50/50 in my opinion. Regardless, he is still married. He has a legal spouse who he swore fidelity to.
I would say a horny old man who does not fess up to being married has one thing and one thing only on his mind. Screwing around so his wife and congregation don't find out.
Hiding if from his wife because she will divorce him when she finds out. Why will she divorce him? Because she was betrayed.
The old "Well, his wife is a cold fish and won't put out so he has to look on the internet for pussy excuse."
Frankly, this makes me mad.
My father used these excuses to fxuk around on my mother. All the while she was putting out at home. He had the best of both worlds. He got it at home and convinced some dupe that "my wife doesn't like sex" so he got some on the side. It was not hard.
And, do you know how I know she was putting out? She had two miscarriages during the times we would follow him hotel to hotel on *sales calls*. (yeah, she had us do that. Sis and I and a box of Dunkin Donuts and some milk. A set of binoculars and timers to see when and where he went. She was documenting for a divorce. This was years before the actual thing happened...while he was an upstanding JW. And he got DFd for smoking. Not adultury. My mom said adultry was too humilating)
If your spouse is not *putting out* and you just must *have it*, get a divorce. Don't put your family through the pain of your whoring around.
There is no excuse for betrayal like this *priest* is attempting.