I tried to connect my laptop to my motel phones as much as possible while travelling, but I only got to browse the board a couple of times when doing so. I know that within a week or two a lot can happen on this board, so I'm wondering what news I've missed out on. Fill me in please!
What have I missed?!?
by StinkyPantz 28 Replies latest jw friends
Well..... Jesika and I are getting married tomorrow!
Kansas District Overbeer
Well congrats to the both of you!! You are both two great people and I think you're a great match .
You missed...me!
(oh and my new chippendale tie)
Oh and I missed you too.
AWW, and I didn't think that you could get any cuter. . I was wrong! Missed you too hunny!!
well girrrrrrlllllll...........
some very upsetting stuff. take a valium before reading ugg's post. I wish I had.
Well besides me and Thunder You missed Realist pontificating about humans not having free will.
Will everybody give me links to the threads/posts that you speak of? Soledad? Sheila?
Big Tex
Yeah and it's too bad about Simon. But I guess we shouldn't talk about that.
Funny you should pop in as I was just wondering where you had been.
You missed it all. It all went down and many went down with them. It was pretty tense.....more than I have ever seen. I don't want to ever see or hear it again. Be glad you weren't here.I think you would have lost your head. It was awfull.....just awful.