I really wish you and Brummie would fess up Big Tex, ya both know what I am talking about too!
Disgraceful and sinful behaviour for you both.
And I want more Pictures!
by StinkyPantz 28 Replies latest jw friends
I really wish you and Brummie would fess up Big Tex, ya both know what I am talking about too!
Disgraceful and sinful behaviour for you both.
And I want more Pictures!
Dangitallanyway, BT, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times to quit posting pics of me without my permission!!!!!
Craig dont tell Kate but they were delightful!
I really think that Brummies bow tie on you was the kicker!
Well onacruse was nice enough to fill me in on the comings and goings of the board for the past week. So to all of you that were holding back:
Dangitallanyway, BT, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times to quit posting pics of me without my permission!!!!!
Well maybe just one more? Perhaps a photos of Craig in wayward youth . . . .
<--- New avatar! and reaching Jedi status...
Thats the most disgusting , horrible man I've ever seen in my life!
They should use this man under the picture of a disfellowshipped person in the magazines insted of the one that looks like me.
OH......Stinky......I know what I forgot to tell you since you came back! The Organisation has now merged with the mormons and all the former dub pioneers are revolting they have to put in their 90 hours on frickin 10 speed bikes! You shoulda been around. Now.........your just a loser cuz you missed it all!
The worst was that about Simon. I hope we can collect the money needed to keep this site going. But who will program. We do need someone with all 8 fingers and two thumbs y'know. Poor guy.
Well, the thing with Simon was bad, but I thought the whole police and FBI issue was much worse. I mean, the subterfuge, surveilance, etc, and then the ..... the .............
No, I can't go on! Stinky, I am so happy that you weren't here for it.
Now go, save yourself!!!!!!!!!!
Happyout (hiding under her desk)