the first thing i did when i left was throw out all of my "witness" clothes and go shopping. good will got a TON of ankle-length boring skirts and longsleeved high-necked shirts from me that day!
Dress Code
by Tron 19 Replies latest jw friends
This was one of the things that really got to me while I was in.
I mean, what's the freaking deal. I probably wouldn't have minded the conventions if I could have worn something that was at lease a tiny bit comfortable. But no, we have to look like we're off to the office in suit and tie.
Jehovah's Witnesses - A business masquerading as a religion.
Ignored One. -
What happened to the freedom that belongs to the christ?
Oh Yeah - when you become a Witless, you are freed from what they say is Babylonish bondage. (Oh! honey pass the chains!) Now a beard your underwear contraception everything is controled.
Wasn't Fred Fanz a rebel against the bearded generation?
What about those peoples of the world who walk naked without shame?
God has seen every fashion and style and cock and vagina under the sun. They think we all have to wear american clothes from GAP?
nobody told me
Black shirts were a no no in the hall I was in. It troubled some of the elders. They felt it was too mafia. My wife, who is also an ex-jw, was counseled for wearing a sun dress, you know those sexy shoulders are going to stumble someone out the door.
Black dress shirts were a no-no??? WHAT A BUNCH OF FREAKS!
I wore what I wanted when I wanted, and they could screw themselves. I had a jacket (still do) that is extreme plaid from the 40's. I wore that bad boy all the time, and dam them if they didn't like it. It was none of their business as far as I was concerned. They knew better than to come up to me and talk about it, b/c I would tell them in no uncertain terms to suck eggs.
Shamus, you wrote:
I would tell them in no uncertain terms to suck eggs.
Why am I thinking you didn't make elder? MS? "Suck eggs"!!!! Hahahahaha
Yeah, I wore a skirt that was slightly above the knee once , (just once!!) and damned if i didnt get counselled by the elders that very night! (ugggh!) why dont they realize that they are being just like the pharasees? my brother had cornrows in his hair, and they told him to take them out because it would "stumble others"
SUCK EGGS!!!! hahahahaha
Shamus, you crack me up! wish you had been in my hall! lololol
They think we all have to wear american clothes from GAP?
We would have been LUCKY if that's what "they" wanted us to wear, trust me. I don't much care for GAP clothing myself (too generic and lacks inspiration) but that would have been WAY too cool for the Witnesses.
Yeah, I wore a skirt that was slightly above the knee once , (just once!!) and damned if i didnt get counselled by the elders that very night!
I have to laugh. I wore a skirt that slightly above the knee, and I mean slightly, and I got stared at all night. By the a few of the brothers. I was shocked. I had deluded myself that the brothers had no sexual instincts at all. I've always dressed modestly, but this dress had shrunk, and I'd nothing else to wear that night.
I never wore it again.
Oh, yeah, I used to always wear two different earrings as well. Drove everyone crazy. I loved doing that.
the evil iconoclast