Convention Concessions

by Euphemism 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Simplesally... that's a definite possibility. But I'd think that if the WTS can negotiate to have the concessions closed, it would certainly be easier to negotiate to have their members allowed to bring food.

    freein89... it's a tax issue, just like donations for the literature. Sometime in the early 90's, the convention food was put on a donation basis. That only lasted about a year or two... obviosuly, the Society was not getting enough donations to make it worthwhile. So they just ended food service at assemblies, and declared that everyone should bring their own food. They also decreed that you have to bring it with you in the morning... you're not supposed to go out at lunch to get it. But that rule is commonly disobeyed, of course.

    Matty... that's interesting. I don't think the stands are left open at any conventions in the US; but I'd be interested to find out if I'm wrong.

  • simplesally

    Wine was served in Italy up into the 90's. Don't remember what year it stopped.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It has to do with control. They have to be able to control everybody and everything and they can not control the food contractors.

    Dead on accurate observation. I'm sure money plays a role as does local laws, but the bottom line is the Society is all about control. Realize this is the same group of people that covered up mirrors at conventions because they didn't want us wasting time combing hair. Any group of people that fanatical about control would have no compunction about controlling the food as well.

  • johnny_was_good

    Yes it all has to do with control!

    At conventions in Belgium there are sometimes vendors outside selling icecream. It is always hot during convention time

    Yes, you guessed it they wanted that guy to be removed from the parkinglot.

    $$$$$$$$ instead of spending money on icecream you better put it in the contributionbox $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • cruzanheart
    Wine was served in Italy up into the 90's.

    I was DEFINITELY going to the wrong assemblies . . . . The best I ever got was a snow cone (I think that was the 1969 Atlanta convention that they had snow cone vendors outside -- most welcome!).


  • Euphemism
    Big Tex wrote: Realize this is the same group of people that covered up mirrors at conventions because they didn't want us wasting time combing hair.

    You're kidding! When/where was that?

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    I can just picture the latest JW fad now. All shopping for the latest in fancy portable coolers to bring their lunches in. Like a bunch of kids at school with their lunchboxes, comparing each others to see who has the coolest TV show on the outside.

    So true...and half the congregation falling all over themselves to get a "theocratic" cooler just like Brother Elder or the Pioneer Family's...

    monkey see, monkey do...

  • primitivegenius
    Okay, everyone, take a minute, close your eyes, and imagine a JW convention where BEER is sold. My, that would be fun!


    yeah all of us could hook up outside in the hall way and have our own tailgate party and if the brothers came with those signs saying please be seated we can pour beer on him lol. someone would end up with a stereo and how long till danceing and fornicateing lol then wed run outta money for beer so we would have to knock over a contribution box or two............................

    member of the drunk off his ass class <hic>

  • blondie

    Euph, it was only in the women's restroom. Evidently, men don't comb their hair, or is it they don't have hair to comb. I can remember it all through the years at district conventions, especially at venues where the restrooms for women were extremely limited, ballparks. Facilities built in the last 10 years or so tend to have more restrooms for women now.

    I can remember when sisters handed out a specific amount of toilet paper to sisters as the went in and handed out 1 paper towel per person.

    Blondie (those were the days my friends)

  • Matty

    Blondie, would you be surprised if I told you at Twickenham (UK convention in London) they cut the paper towels in half and told the brothers and sisters that they had to use only one half of a paper towel to dry their hands with? I'm not making this up!!!

    Euph, when it comes down to it I'm sure the society would rather not have the concessions there, but in the negotiations with the venue I think that they have to have them there to get a good price sometimes.

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