They probably just had those god awful hoagies just to make sure people didn't eat too much and fall asleep during the talks.
Convention Concessions
by Euphemism 36 Replies latest jw friends
Rum in coke is doable and vodka in orange juice could pass.
Someone could do a roaring trade printing off Coke and Pepsi labels to stick onto beer cans...
they cut the paper towels in half and told the brothers and sisters that they had to use only one half of a paper towel to dry their hands with
Wouldn't bother me; I'd just wipe my hands on some attendant/usher's cheap suit jacket.
Okay, everyone, take a minute, close your eyes, and imagine a JW convention where BEER is sold. My, that would be fun!
Actually I knew a couple who, back in the fifties at the week-long conventions, would bring a huge thermos full of martinis with them every day!
Now, why didn't we do that, Euph? It would have helped a lot!
I have to re-ask the same question posted earlier...
Realize this is the same group of people that covered up mirrors at conventions because they didn't want us wasting time combing hair. --Big Tex
When/where did this happen?
jayhawk, it happened in the Midwest at larger conventions during the 60's, 70's, and 80's especially those at ballparks with limited restrooms for women. To speed up the lines, the brothers determined that the sisters were spending too much time combing their hair and used this device to get them out of the restroom sooner. I can remember the sisters acting as attendants (doling out towels) telling the sisters to quit talking and to leave. Yes, it was primping by the sisters, not the fact that few fathers took their children to the restroom (even the boys). They were too busy "working" at the convention.
When newer facilities were built with restroom equity, I saw less of this. I can remember men's restrooms being changed over for use by women at this time too.
Big Tex
Yep that's it Blondie. I remember a lot of men's restrooms becoming used by women during those conventions. You're right I don't remember it much into the 80's, but I did see the mirrors covered in the men's rooms. There also used to be attendants who would follow kids and teens (like me) in and watch if we tore the paper off the mirror. They'd just stand there and stare at you while you did your business. Very creepy.