JW Vaccine mandate: The contrast between voices of reason and confusion

by ukpimo 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ukpimo

    I was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum I do not with to sign up for, as I'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.


    Another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card. Yes, when you use the words conspiracy theory you can drive up confusion and support, much like the account at Acts 19:23-41, which will be discussed at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses this week:


    BT book this week:

    When they recognized him as a Jew, they shouted him down, repeating the chant “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” for about two hours. Religious fanaticism has not changed since then. It still makes people completely unreasonable.​—Acts 19:28-34.

    Likewise, we could say that political fanaticism is the same. It makes people completely unreasonable. Of what benefit is it to someone to be reactive and impulsive to defend a belief, whilst using logical fallacies? It reveals they want to hide and defend an insecurity which they had. They are insecure that people have other viewpoints, perhaps more educated ones than others. The rebuttal post on reddit goes to explain that it is nothing more than an unreasonable and emotional reaction to a well educated post by someone who actually did their research. Long may these well written posts continue and may we always protest the evil that Watchtower placed upon its full time members and others who were on the bandwagon, the vaccine mandates during the pandemic were the biggest divisive mistake the Governing Body has ever made, even more so than failed predictions about when the end will come!

  • BoogerMan

    My instincts about the Borg's directives regarding the experimental injections were/are that the Governing Body was instructed by the masters of the WTBTS to promote and comply with all of the government's mandates and alleged "science" - to the point of "forsaking their meeting together," (Hebrews 10:25)

    Some parts of "Babylon the Great" continued their worship - and "obeyed God rather than men."

    I suspect the real hierarchy within the WTBTS (not the JW G.B. puppets) are more closely aligned with "the system" than is realised.

  • ukpimo

    I do believe that money was involved. There is no way to prove this specifically at this time, however the leak of the letter to full time servants is incriminating.

    It's a shame that this letter along with the directive cannot be leaked to the press. The media is hugely politicised, which means that any of the main outlets would probably view this as a non story. Much corruption in government and religion has largely contributed to this stubborn attitude and closed minded nature people have against anything construed as a "conspiracy theory". This phrase has been overused beyond its dictionary definition to apply to anything that conflicts with popular beliefs. And we all know Jehovah’s Witnesses are a master of that with their own terminology!

    In fact, no one dares question it, otherwise society will view you as an evil or an outcast! All these twisted, unsubstantiated false stories of "ill" unvaccinated children cause pro vaxxers to demonise anyone who is against the covid vaccine. The message? "How dare you!" Finger pointing techniques, logical fallacies and appealing to emotions rather than reason. You have to question everything to be an independent thinker. Even when something appears to be a fundamental truth, it could be so due to social pressures or culture. Never trust everything you believe to be true, it could change tomorrow. The average mortality rate and rate of infection from disease has largely remained unchanged for centuries with no vaccinations. The human race would have died out thousands of years ago if the quality of living was so bad and primitive compared to now. Politics are a human invention to control the masses. Humans were meant to breed and survive, not as primitives, but as intellectual people of free will, not bound by any culture, creed or tradition imposed upon them.

  • ukpimo


    I fully agree!

  • WTWizard

    All a copy of what the world, which they claim to hate so much, already did. The world wanted people to get these shots, so the washtowel followed.

    As for me, the best coronavirus "shot" is the Amazon "shot". That means a daily dose of 800 mg of quercetin, along with 50 mg zinc along with my other vitamins. My bird flu "shot" is 5,000 units of vitamin D during the darker seasons (from around mid September into April). And my monkeypox "shot" is not getting the needle shot for coronavirus or bird flu. The washtowel can parrot what the government (and Bill Genocide Gates) want, and all that will do is make them look like dog poop.

  • ukpimo

    therealtonymorrisiii 's "alternative medicine cult" within jws actually made me laugh out loud. Jws are inherently anti medicine anyway because we were taught to reject "worldly" thinking and behaviour. Most jws simply are programmed to mindlessly obey, as are society in general. The majority of professionals who actually practice prescribing medicine are mostly clueless on how it will effect each of their patients. They may know some facts, but they are fallible, just like the Governing Body!

  • peacefulpete
  • Riley

    I just turned 50 and did my colon cancer poop on a stick screen. I recently lost a co-worker who was only 30 to it and a friend a few years ago. Hopefully if they find anything, they can cut it out of cut of me. Just a routine screening, no big deal.

    So I am looking at Facebook this morning and I see Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson and Mel is taking about he had three friends who were in stage 4 cancers and went into remission though the use of ivermectin and my bullshit detector went off. You read the comments in this tread much less these board and realize that tens of millions of people just heard that comment and will believe it and they won't screen or get treatment because they believe there is this miracle cure and they will just die a slow and painful death.

    Anywho, it is time to move past all this covid crap. Science won, idiots lost, life goes on.

  • Mikejw

    There are now doubts brewing in the minds of millions of JWs who took the clot shots only because of following the GBs direction.

    Now they are frightened to even think about the possibility that this is a man made organisation.

    If it’s true that the vaccine is not safe then Jehovah is not directing this organisation.

    the truth is now clear the vax is not safe.

  • Vidqun

    If the oncologists give up on you because of pancreatic cancer, what do you do? As some did, they went on the following regime. Today they are cancer free. If you are desperate, it's worth a try:

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