JW Vaccine mandate: The contrast between voices of reason and confusion

by ukpimo 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    On the second reddit post someone posted that they were forced to get vaccinated at work so why the conspiracy theories with watchtower "employees" because it was fairly standard practice and didnt mean watctower was "making bank". Although I agree with his observation that people on the one hand call the GB stupid but on the other think they are in bed with billionaire financiers (although there is such a thing as a kind of "sly smarts" that isn't intelligence but more a side effect of greed). However there's a big difference between insisting employee's get a vaccine and members of a church doing so (nor that i think any kind of vaccine mandate is ethical)

    I also get annoyed when (usually SJW) ex JW's conflate being "anti vax" with the scientifically valid and proven concerns around the covid vaccines.

  • liam

    I don't know what to think of the Covid Vaccine.

    I never took it and I didn't die.

    I know several people that DID TAKE the vaccine and they didn't die or got sick.

    I know several people that DID TAKE IT AND DIED.

    i know several people that got Covid and Died even though they took the vaccine.

    So why is it that many took the vaccine and Nothing Happened?

    Why did some take the Vaccine and did die or got clots?

    Why did some not take the vaccine and nothing happened?

    If the vaccine was bad, EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT TOOK IT, but they didn't

    Is it possible people died because they had some unknown health condition to begin with? Maybe they were too old or too young?

    I wouldn't bet my life either way because it's too confusing.

    Here's the thing, If Another plague happens, and millions are dying and the Government again says you have to take it..........WILL YOU?

  • ThomasCovenant
  • ThomasCovenant

    “I [Donald Trump] saved millions and millions of lives”

  • liam

    So Trump took the Vaccine and O' Riley also, and their both still alive.

    And Biden freaking took it and He's still alive.

    That's what I mean, If the vaccine was bad, everyone that took it should be dead. But they're not. So it must be something else. One thing for sure, a lot of people that died were obese. That's not a good thing. Others were just old and that means their body is already heading on the decline.

    Maybe it's evolution.......The strong survive......the weak die. It's always been like that.

    If you were a gladiator 6' 10" tall 310 lbs and went against a man that was 5' 2" tall 110 lbs, who would survive and who would die.

    Same thing with plagues. So the moral of the story, put your health first, and don't eat to much junk.

  • Vidqun

    So Liam, what would be an answer to all your questions? Perhaps there were different vaccine batches and some were bad. E.g., Pfizer: "We had special batches of [m-RNA vaccine] for our Pfizer employess." From the horses' mouth.


  • TonusOH

    Nearly every medication will affect some people adversely. This can be due to allergic reactions or other existing conditions (including congenital ones). This is why so many drug commercials have a disclaimer with all of the possible negative side effects. Think of how many of these often include death as a "side effect.''

    Rushing out a vaccine to deal with a highly-contagious infection that has a relatively high mortality rate increases the likelihood that there will be adverse reactions, including death. The extent of the rollout also leaves us without an answer to the question of what would have happened otherwise. Lots of people died from COVID. Some may have died from the vaccine. The lack of certainty is where conspiracy theories get their momentum.

    We had some people here who appeared to have bought into the idea that COVID and the vaccines were part of a conspiracy to drastically reduce the world's population by killing off billions of people. Time has shown that to be... mistaken. It may be decades more before we learn enough to know just how bad COVID was, and how bad the vaccines were/weren't. Until then, enjoy the conspiracy theories.

  • liam
    So Liam, what would be an answer to all your questions?

    "There are no solutions, only trade-offs"

    In life, every choice comes with costs and compromises, rather than perfect solutions.

    This perspective encourages a realistic understanding of human nature and societal issues.

    This Truth suggests that we should focus on finding the best possible trade-offs instead of seeking unattainable ideal solutions.

    Thomas Sowell

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I wonder if a JDub asked one of the GB now, should I keep going to get my booster shots, after all Covid hadn’t gone away?

    if they say no don’t go then that would be admitting that this is just a human run organisation that was wrong to say go get vaccinated

  • liam

    NEWS: US STATE BILL to BAN mRNA Technology, Sanction Doctors

    The best part of being a "conspiracy theorist" is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell's palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly.

    On top of that, contracting COVID repeatedly with every single symptom increased. Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers.

    The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.


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