I just got this from an active jw friend who I have not seen in 3 years and rarely talk too via e-mail. Keep in mind I was never dunked and left almost 7 years ago. The elders went and saw my DF'd sister last week after 10+ years. It's just a little weird to me like a fishing expedition. The person asking about my sister barely knows her so she should not be asking about her. The elders should have 0 interest in me but my sister was once one of them. She has no interest what so ever in going back and told them that. Am I being paranoid? I feel inclined to ignore it but knowing her she will just e-mail me again.
I've heard some rumors that you have turned apostate. Is it true? Does your sister share the same view? I hope not. Please respond when you get this. Sincerely, XXXX