How would you respond?

by unbeliever 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk
    I decided some time ago to stop playing games with the witnesses when they cross my path.

    Then DON'T play games with this person!


  • unbeliever

    her response

    I can see the route you are going to take. When you left you were young and did not speak against the witnesses. Now I am hearing otherwise. I was told that you and your dad were seen socializing with some well known apostates in our area which you have every right to do. You've been vocal about Dateline and have said some rather derogatory things about the Governing Body. I know that you read a well known apostate book before you stopped attending meetings but I wrote that off as being under the influence of your dad and rebellion against your mom. You were so young.

    As I said before you did not actively speak against the witnesses when you left. You were nothing like your dad and did not even want to talk about anything related to Jehovah‘s Organization. It seems to be more recent. I know that you do not agree with the beliefs and eventually became an Atheist. You have the right to choose what you want to be but when you left we stayed on friendly terms. I need to know if your an opposer. From what I have been told your father was finally successful at turning you completely against the witnesses. I find that to be the saddest thing in the world. Please tell me this is all a misunderstanding.

    my response

    XXXX, Thank you so much for letting me know what my mom has been telling the witnesses. Don't even try and deny it. I know you were fishing for info on my sister for someone. I have a good idea and for that reason alone I consider this line of communication closed.
    This has my mom written all over it. The way she was talking about my dad is what my mom spews word for word. I thought it was weird that the elders would be up to this. It's so pathetic when a parent wants to find out info on their DF'd child they will bring a 3rd party into the equation. Mom knows full well how I feel about the witnesses but she does not know how my sister feels. The elder visit last week thru me off.
  • greven

    A very good reply! To the point and not revealing anything. You show you are on to them and are not going to play their game. Excellent!


  • Billygoat

    This whole episode really pisses me off and it's not even ME! Haha!

    I need to know if your an opposer.

    Why does she need to know? Obviously, she hasn't been THAT good of a friend if you haven't heard from her in three years. And now all of a sudden she feels attached to you and NEEDS

    From what I have been told your father was finally successful at turning you completely against the witnesses.

    Who told her that? Why is a so-called Christian listening to gossip anyway? What difference does it make if you weren't baptized to begin with. You were NEVER a member!

    Conversations like these with a Witless is like talking to the Mad Hatter. They have their own reasoning, their own crazy logic, and DON'T follow the very principles that are told to them from their beloved wet rags. GRRRRR!!!!!

    Okay...I've steamed enough now. Thanks for letting me vent. LOL!


  • unbeliever

    She sure is quick

    You did not answer my question?

    This will be my response:

    My sister will be so flattered to know you guys want to know about her beliefs. I don't like dealing with sneaky people. Don't bother responding to this e-mail because I have blocked your e-mail. Have a nice life.
  • Mary

    Here's a couple of things I would have said:

    "...Thank you for letting me know that Jehovah died and left you judge and jury over my life...."


    "...You heard these rumours? Wow! I heard the same about YOU! Please tell me it's not true!!..."

    With friends like that, who needs enemies?

  • ashitaka
    Sounds to me as if this sister is just lookin for something to gossip about.

    Damn strait. I was thinking the same thing. This person doesn't care, they just want to be 'in the know', so that they have something to rag on.


  • undercover
    You have the right to choose what you want to be but when you left we stayed on friendly terms. I need to know if your an opposer.

    See the contradiction here? You have the right to choose. You stayed on friendly terms. Now she wants to know if you are an opposer. She said it herself, you have the right to choose. Why does that have to make a difference in anything. It hasn't up till now.

  • happyout


    I think you handled it wonderfully. I might have suggested that since gossip goes against the society's teachings, she might want to talk to her body of elders about the person who is sharing such gossip with her, so that congregation can remain clean. But that's just me.

    Great job,


  • Inquiry

    This is just sooooo typical.... it kinda makes me laugh, witness sisters are so incredibly predictable...

    I had a sister who kept in touch with me after I left the borg (DA) and for a while it was really nice. She could tell me what she really thought and I could spout off about all the "new stuff" I was learning about the org I said... nice... but she was also using her contact with me to keep the sisters "informed" about what I was doing. It seems they were and still are very interested in any new "tidbits" about my "peculiar" life away from the Kingdom Hall. (laughing my a** off as I write )

    Well, I guess she gave too much away cause next thing you know, the elders are talking to her about having contact with an apostate...... hahaha....and she hasn't talked to me since....ahahahah... like I didn't know that was gonna happen.

    Every once in a while one of the sisters (alone of course) will see me around and come up and ask how I am, coyly fish for info.... I always say, "Just great! (Huge smile) Couldn't be better!" hahahahah... I always get a funny look when I say that... They even ask my son.... he gets a kick out of it too....

    They really think I should be just miserable. I know, pathetic... and they are, so pathetic. Small lives, small minded, and nothing very interesting to do.... sad eh.

    Don't let it get to you... your well out of it now and they'll be at it for years... especially since your mom is still a witness.... they go in cycles... they get bored, your name comes up before you can say "God, I'm glad I'm not a witness anymore", one of 'em starts fishin...

    Awww well, at least it keeps 'em amused....

    Might even tempt 'em to try it themselves... hahahahaha



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