Muhammad is my savior!

by d0rkyd00d 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • d0rkyd00d

    Hey Mulan, prove it! and if your response is to that is something along the lines of, that's where faith comes in, then i have to say you were not born with this faith. it was instilled in you by your surrounding christian environment.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • Mulan

    You are right. No way to know for sure. Just quoting Bible stuff and personal opinions. I only know that there is nothing for sure, and that I am not convinced of anything yet. I was only quoting what my little group is saying these days. And I am usually the one who differs in thoughts. I don't know what I believe half the time. I do know that JW's have nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.

  • JohnClarinet

    Dear all,

    This is me first toime here and here's me site. Do drop by if yer interested ter have dialogues with Reformists, RCs, ex-RCs, JWs, ex-JWs, Muslims, etc. BTW, I'm a Christian livin in a Muslim land and have started a Christian site called CLARINET. Here's the URL to the discussion board:

    And here's the URL to the CLARINET website:

    Here's my response to JT,

    Christ died for all men. Period. There is no right religion. Period.

    and this sad to say is the problem- you firmly believe in the man called Christ which is cool with me,
    but sad to say there are billions of other folks who have lived and died under another Belief System who would say exactly the opposite and say " Mohamid died for all men, Period. there is no right religion,. period"

    Islam does not teach that Muhammad died for all men. Islam teaches that Muhammad is THE LAST AND THE GREATEST PROPHET and he was revealed the final revelation by the angel Gabrial called the Quran that supersedes the Bible and the Torah. Islam claims that the Bible and Torah is corrupted and that only the Quran is "God's word".

    Enough said about Islam. As for other religions, no other religion had anyone claiming:
    John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.

    Therefore, Jesus is the only one who claims exclusive rights and passage to the Father. PERIOD! No other religion dare make such claims.

    you you are right back where you started- following a Belief System that you were introduced to
    either as a child or an adult- the same as most folks who follow some type of "Higher Being" Belief System

    I was not born into a Christian home. I became a Christian because I believed Jesus really is who He claimed HE is. And living in a land where you have plenty of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Shintos, Sikhs, etc., it is not difficult for me to conduct a research on comparitive religions. While all religions teaches Faith and Deeds for salvation, Christianity is the only odd one out, Faith alone.

    you comment shows clearly that you look down on anyone who doesn't ACCEPT YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM

    The issue is not looking down upon, it is the exclusivity of Jesus in John 14:6 that one must put to the test.

    that is why you STATED "PERIOD"

    That's what Jesus said in John 14:6, no?

    now i stand to be corrected and if so please let me know- but to me i hear pretty much what i heard in WT
    in fact this is one of the common threads in almost all Belief Systems
    "I got the inside track to god you don't"

    With John 14:6 in consideration, it's more like "He's (Jesus) got the inside track to God and we don't, why not check Him out?" :-D

    "If you don't accept my Belief System my god will kill you"
    this is a problem that all Belief Systems face-

    God killing unbelievers? Hmm? Can't think of any religion that teaches that. Heaven and Hell teaching yes but God killing?

    How do you claim to be the ONLY WAY--at the same time telling other folks that thier way is ok too
    rock and a hardplace i guess

    All truth is God's truth. While all religions teaches Goodness, Jesus makes an exclusive claim of being the only way for the Godless. Try telling your friends about the Bible and avoid making referrals to their current system of belief. The moment you criticize their religion spells the end of the discussion and perhaps even friendship.

    God Bless,

  • Flip
    …Christ died for all men, including Hindus, Muslims, and all men…there is no one true religion…

    Regardless, try telling the above to your neighborhood Kalashnikov toting followers of Jehad or one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both groups demonstrate a desire for similar spiritual ends one is simply more pro-active.

    Depending on the 'eye' of the beholder, ‘true’ religion does exist.

    However 'truth’ by definition, in this case is possibly inappropriate.


  • professor

    JW's and all other religious sheep should heed the words of one Charles Taze Russell who declared "RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKETT!"

    Unfortunatley for Russell, this was just a marketing slogan to him and he wanted to replace it with even more B.S.!

  • Scorpion


    Remember, BS stands for Bible Students!

  • Scorpion


    Thank you for the info about Islam, and welcome to this forum. Hope to see more of your posts.

  • GinnyTosken

    This story from John Shelby Spong seems pertinent to this discussion, so I thought I'd share it. I originally read it in the book Why Christianity Must Change or Die. If you'd like to read the whole chapter on prayer, it's online at:


    In 1981 my wife Joan received a cancer diagnosis that was determined in all probability to be fatal. Because we were a well-known and publicly identified family (I was Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, New Jersey), the news became public knowledge almost immediately. Resources of our people and our friends were quickly mobilized. Prayer groups throughout the diocese and even in ecumenical settings added my wife to their list of special intentions. Her name was spoken regularly during the prayers of the people in public worship in almost all of our churches. Those actions communicated concern, caring, and love to both of us, and we received that caring with deep appreciation. Remission did appear to have been achieved, and Joan lived for six and a half years from diagnosis to death.

    This was beyond anything the doctors had led us to believe was possible. As this realization of a prolonged remission began to dawn, the people who were most concerned and whose prayers were the most intense began to take credit for her longevity. “Our prayers are working,” they claimed. “God is using our prayers to keep this malevolent disease at bay.” Perhaps there was present still that ancient but unspoken assumption that this sickness was the work of the devil and that this evil work was being thwarted by the power of God loosed through the prayers of God’s people.

    Despite my gratitude for the embracing love that these people demonstrated, both for me and for my wife, I could not help but be troubled at their explanations. Suppose, I queried to myself alone, that a sanitation worker in Newark, probably the city with the lowest per capita income in the United States, has a wife who had received the same diagnosis. Because he is not a high-profile person, well connected to a large network of people, socially prominent, or covered by the press, the sickness of his wife never comes to public attention. Suppose he is not a religiously oriented person and thus prayer groups and individual petitions in hundreds of churches are not offered on his wife’s behalf.

    Would that affect the course of her sickness? Would she live less time from diagnosis to death, endure more obvious pain, or face a more difficult dying? If so, would that not be to attribute to God not only a capricious nature, but also a value system shaped by human importance and the worldly standards of social elitism? Would I be interested in worshipping a God who would treat my wife differently because we had had opportunities in life that the sanitation worker had not had? Do I want to attribute to the deity a behavior pattern based on human status? The answer to all of these questions is no, no, a thousand times no!

  • TR


    wasn't it Booze Rutherford that said "snare and a racket"?


    "cults suck"

  • TR

    All this talk reminds me of why I don't want to be any part of any religion ever again. Until God(if there is one) comes down and grabs me by the nads, I won't believe in one true God. I like Sitchin's theories better, there was a group of super people(nefilim) that seem to be the God/God's of the bible. Not that I think it's true, but a very interesting take on how the human race came about.


    "cults suck"

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