Very precarious position. My husband and I had been inactive for quite a long time, but we finally decided that we really wanted to re-activate ourselves.
We sought out the Kingdom Hall, and attended the Public Talk and Watchtower study. An elder approached us after the meeting to determine our "status" and we explained that we were trying to re-activate ourselves. A study was arranged.
Now, here we were, REALLY trying to get back in, but my husband had gotten baptized without having much of an understanding of many points (he did it mainly so that I would date him). Therefore, my husband began asking lots of questions, only because he really wanted to understand the points being presented and wasn't willing to accept the "you'll just have to wait on Jehovah" or "you'll just have to accept this on faith" responses.
Even this legitimate questioning in an attempt to understand made the elders very uncomfortable and suspicious, and they began casting around for something that would allow them to get off the hook with this "obvious disbeliever."
They noticed an empty ashtray on our coffeetable, and asked my husband if he smoked. Since we had been inactive for years, he had gone back to smoking, and he admitted it. They gave him an ultimatum that he could not meet, and he was summarily disfellowshipped.....all for asking too many questions in an attempt to fully understand everything.
It's very dangerous to study unless you're willing to concede every point and agree with everything they tell you.