Newly DF'd/DA'd

by praying_mantis 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang

    Praying_Mantis, .... why wasn't your ex disfellowshipped for what he was doing???????? How
    come he is still in good standing in the borg???? Oh yes, I forgot - he is the son of an elder...
    says it all [8>]

    Mantis, I have some really good stuff about the emotions you go through when you leave on
    my webpage.

    In there is an article called The Emotional Pain of Leaving a Cult
    and I know you will identify with the feelings because veryone else who has read this has done so.

    If you go to Jan's Personal Page: you will also find a lof of
    info about the grief you are going through and some support in getting through it.



  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Praying Mantis,
    I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. As time goes on you will find the guilt abates. Actually, mine is gone. I da'ed myself in June of 2000.
    You must remember, YOU ARE NEVER OBLIGATED, to talk to the elders. Let them do what they want. Although, it should be disassociation in light of the letter you wrote. But my experience is they do what they want whatever we do.
    Hope things go well for you in your newly chosen life!!

  • JT


    you have come to the right place- only wish you had come a little sooner-

    but that is ok - for you will be ok and you will make it just fine

    i suggest that you email some of the folks here- esp some of the
    women for women many times have insight into fellow women that we men may lack sometimes

    my wife works with lots of women and when they realize that they were not the ONLY SISTER who thought that Bro Elder was a Jacka$$

    it makes them feel good- smile

    One of the most painful things I continue to see here on this forum as well as all the others is that many who want to leave wt simply don't know how to leave and remain "Intact" as it were.

    I recall talking with jw who "Formally Disassociated themselves back in the 70’s and it was not till the 90’s and the net did they finally feel free

    or many who “jump UP” and write a letter off to Mo Larry and Curly (CONGREGATION SERVICE COMMITTEE)

    While I feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with writing a letter for many it is a matter of

    1. Poor timing and
    2. not being prepared for what will follow

    When I read of folks who wrote letters feeling bad or feeling that must “meet” with the elders – to me that means they were not ready AT THAT TIME.

    The net is really the answer for all lurkers and those who are thinking about leaving – why not Learn how to leave WT at least somewhat “Intact”

    Before writing a letter be sure to get the Pros and Cons of writing a letter- for me personally I wouldn’t waste the paper or stamp- but I fully understand for those who do – there is no right or wrong – should I send one or not

    But more of a

    1. When should I do this and
    2. How-

    I highly recommend throwing it out here in the forum for suggestions- the reason why is simple

    The avg. jw has so little understanding of the WT Corporate Procedures when it comes to how they deal with folks

    Being Former “Society Man” the rules and policies swallow up the avg. person

    I recall seeing persons who are leaving spend weeks Xeroxing 40=50 pages of copies of wt history to “Let the bro. know why”

    They don’t give a RATS A$$ and once a person comes to understand that then they know how to proceed

    Much like explaining Gravity to a 6 month old baby it means absolutely nothing-

    Also understanding that the avg. Joe blow elder is as much a victim as we were

    What I have seen here on the net is how some of the most condemning folks ( she got low hours can’t be too spiritual)

    ( she can pioneer her hubby make s enough money) etc myself INCLUDED – once we learn the truth about the truth

    we feel so bad about how we treated others when we were in the Org-

    I look back at some of the judicial cases that we handled and being a Society Man I went by the BOOK—

    VERY LITTLE feeling for the “Individual person” GOT TO KEEP THE ORG CLEAN-

    SO FOR me know I only hope that all the folks I dealt with in an unloving way can forgive me for it was done out of ignorance and being blinded.

    So for any who want to get out--------- please and I beg of you feel free to ask here on the forum what things you need to consider so when you decided to make your move – you can LEAVE INTACT


    "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than questions I can't ask (or answers I can't question)."

  • Latte


    Where are you luvvie? Are you in the UK?

    I would love to help you if I could. There are a great bunch of people hear that can offer some timely help and support for stick around!

    Could you e-mail me?

    Take care, my thoughts are with you.


  • LovesDubs

    Praying...honey you need to picture the elders in their underwear! :) These guys are just janitors with a cardboard badge that says "PRINCE FOR A DAY" written on em in crayon. They are POWERLESS over you, and frankly God, who sees them in their Barney underwear 24-7 the poor Guy, doesnt give a rats patootie what they think or do. HE is in charge of things down here regardless of their hootin and hollerin and posturing and threats. Its just a bunch of hoagie breath hot air they are disgorging in your direction.

    And just like the bullies they are, they love to make you cry and they love to make you squirm and they love to throw down their mops and Windex 5 hours a week and play Gods Little Deputies. The only thing missing from this rediculous scenario is a phone booth in the Kingdom Hall where they can enter as Joe Schmo Janitor Man and come out with a cape, plastic pecs and a mask with a big "E" tattooed on the butt cheek of their tights...wowing all the chicks with their microphone handling abilities. Are you getting it now? :)

    You were taught your whole JW existence that these clowns have the wherewithall to remove your name from the Book of Life if they deem it so...and take away your good name, remove your family remove your friends remove GOD from you. Sit back...take a deep breath and think about that. This is an organization who harbors murderers, child molestors, and the skank and file of humanity. Do they have ANYTHING over you?? No honey they sure dont. Dont let em see you upset. Take the opportunity to stand in the middle of the road and shout "THE EMPEROR IS NAKED!!" and then LAUGH at their childish power trip.

    They CANT TOUCH YOU...not when God surrounds you. Remember that scripture ( I believe it was Paul) who said that NOTHING and no MAN can come between him and God? If you believe that something CAN seperate you from God and you ALLOW it to..then it has.

    So...imagine those elders in their Underoos...and that its a VERY very cold day :)

    Give all your love and your attention to your fiance and your new life together. And dont look back.

  • Jang

    Mantis ..... just thought ..... occasionally I do think

    Anyway, there is a great list for us exJW ladies where you can chat and get lots of support. They
    are a great bunch and stories like yours are common.

    To join write to: [email protected]

    You are allowed to use an alias there as long as the moderators know who you are ... this is to
    protect the girls from infiltrators

    hope you and some of the others here join us .....


  • nojw86

    Welcome, This is the place to be, it will a place to learn, and heal at the same time. People here are here offer help they have been through many similar situations as well. I have been helped a lot. My guilty feelings are gone, pain, well thats something for me to still work on. But stay and ask ? and hopfully help comes through. nojw

  • JT

    love dubs says
    Praying...honey you need to picture the elders in their underwear! :) These guys are just janitors with a cardboard badge that says "PRINCE FOR A DAY" written on em in crayon


    you are ONE SICK CHICK

    I love it though- i'm here at work with some nonjw, and we are surfing the net here in the computerroom while we are waiting for the other server to arrive from DELL this AM
    these guys are on the floor


    thanks for the post

  • LDH


    Welcome to your NEW family.

    If I were you, I would go to and print out the section which talks about da/df. It clearly says it does not sever family ties. However, that's just the Borg's official position. The Rank and File know better.

    If you want to put a crack in the Watchtower, do it using their own websites; which don't agree with what they teach.

    Or, go about your business and give your boyfriend a special present tonight for being so d!(@ smart about not letting you talk to the elders. HE HAS YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART--your family has the Borg's best interest at heart.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Praying Mantis:

    Your story really touches my heart and a nerve.

    I let the those men push me around and bully me...those men in their "tights, cape and mask" who "throw down their mops for 5 hours a week" as was so vividly described for us.

    I don't feel up to going into my details right now, but I can say that the advice you've already received in the above posts are excellent, from one whose been there.

    As for the guilt you are feeling, I know that first hand too like so many of us here. BUT keep coming here and reading all you can about the wrongdoings in the org....the falsehoods, the deceptions, the hypocrisy and double-standards, the arrogant displays of "we will deal with molesters ourselves because we are God's chosen people and know better than the laws of the land", and on and on.

    The more you find out, the more you will be strengthened to destroy those guilt feelings. They are misplaced. It is working for me quicker than I would have thought possible since I was so typical in my "swift to take the blame" indoctrination.

    Welcome again and continue to join in.

    To LovesDubs: Your description of Joe Schmoe Janitor Man with the cardboard badge and the cape and tights with the "E" tattoo is the best therapy yet. The mental picture I have will be with me for a long time. Thanks, I needed that!!!!!

    Hey TR and SlayerLayer:

    How about putting your talented drawing pencils to work and letting us have a real picture of that LovesDubs described above of 'Joe Schmoe Janitor Man' and the phonebooth scene. That will be priceless!

    Had Enough

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