pardon my ignorance, but what does the "E" on the ass cheek stand for? I would love to draw a caricature of this person.
"cults suck"
by praying_mantis 22 Replies latest jw friends
pardon my ignorance, but what does the "E" on the ass cheek stand for? I would love to draw a caricature of this person.
"cults suck"
I thought E was for "Elder". Could be for your "Eminence", or "Egomanic", or "Ectoparasite" ...probably alot more
Had Enough
Why....the E is for ELDER of course. They tried to stick it to his plastic pecs but it kept coming off, so they stuck it to his ass where, from lack of excercise except for the weekend .4 MPH walk between homes, there was PLENTY of room for it. Or it could stand for EGO MAN!! Can leap TALL arguments with a single proof text, stop a locomotive of logic and reasoning with a single INDEX finger....rescue fair pioneerettes from a life of virginity in a single BOUND.
Oh this I gotta see!!