I will be backing former Vermont Gov Howard Dean to run in '04. My reason: Clinton was quoted recently as saying that "strong and wrong always beats weak and right". I remember during the run up to election in 2000 watching the Bush vs. Gore debates and thinking..I know Gore is smarter but he comes across as weaker in debate. Howard Dean MD (yes, he's a doctor too.) of all the Dems seems more capable of mopping the floor with Bush in one on one (BTW... they were both at Yale at the same time).
Who has the best chance of defeating Bush in '04?
by badwillie 44 Replies latest social current
I will be backing former Vermont Gov Howard Dean to run in '04
Me too, dude. I like what the guy has to say. Plus, he's one smart SOB. He's getting my vote.
I was kinda thinkin Gebhart but I am interested in hearing what this Dean guy has to say..
who cares? They all have the same agenda, they all work for the same people.
who cares? They all have the same agenda, they all work for the same people.
I agree with you, but I'm happy if they just don't happen to piss off the world with their policeman's attitude. No one could be as bad as Bush.
I would love to see a smart, none-too-wealthy grassroots president get in there and make some real changes, but that is unlikely. No one but the scrubs can afford it.
Bush will be there through 08, stop deluding yourself and THANK GOD Bush is in now.
I'm pulling for John Edwards, mostly because he is from BFE, North Carolina. I doubt he will make it that far, but I can keep my fingers crossed.
Having said that I hope Carol Mosely Braun gets the Demo nomination so the lefties can see how ridiculous they really are. Gray Davis is out the door soon too.
Y'all are overlooking the obvious: Saddam Hussein has a better chance than any of these guys of defeating Bush in '04.
Yeru & Willyloman -
I will let my favorite late night talk show hosts respond to you:
"I was thinking about this. The country right now is at war. Our economy is bad. $455 billion deficit and the Democrats are saying, 'How are we going to beat this guy?'" —David Letterman
"Looks like there was more false information in President Bush's State of the Union address. Now it turns out they didn't really have an economic plan either." —Jay Leno
"Republicans in Congress are defending President Bush saying he had no idea that the statement in his speech was wrong. Well times have changed. Do you remember when a President was embarrassed to tell people that he didn't write his own speech. Now it's like a badge of honor." —Jay Leno
"The Bush Administration is fending off critics who are charging that the President lied to the American people about Iraq buying uranium in the State of the Union address earlier this year. Bush isn't losing any sleep, last time he checked Iraq still has tons of oil." —Craig Kilborn
"The White House is saying that the part about Iraq buying the uranium, that should never have been in the State of the Union speech. Bush is very angry about this. It's a huge embarrassment and here's why Bush is angry. Do you know how many hours it took Bush to learn how to pronounce uranium?" —David Letterman
"Americans are angry over President Bush falsely claiming Iraq bought Uranium. They want to know what George Bush knew, and when Dick Cheney explained it to him." —Craig Kilborn
"British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced he will fly to the United States to meet with President Bush. This way they can get their story straight." —Jay Leno
"President Bush is taking a lot of heat for using bogus intelligence to justifying invading Iraq. Bogus Intelligence, wasn't that Bush's nickname at Yale?" —Jay Leno
"In Senegal President Bush called slavery one of the greatest crimes in history, right after stealing an election." —Jay Leno
"The White House finally admitted this week that the intelligence President Bush got for his State of the Union address was faulty. Hey, it's not like we went to war over it!" —Jay Leno
"[President Bush] recently challenged Iraqi soldiers still fighting U.S. troops like so: ... 'My answer is bring 'em on.' For those of you who may be criticizing Bush for acting like a movie cowboy, let me remind you. He's actually acting more like a movie cheerleader." —Jon Stewart
"The White House finally admitted this week the allegation that Iraq was seeking uranium from the African country of Niger was unsupported and came from documents that were forged. Turns out, our president was using information that was faulty at best, and a lie at worst. I can not tell you how much better I feel. Well Iraq, what can we say? Words aren't enough. That's why were sending an FTD 'Sorry we invaded you based on false information from forged documents' bouquet. It's the least we can do." —Jon Stewart
"Bush met with the president of South Africa about how to deal with Zimbabwe, which has been a threat to the stability in the area. Bush was firm with him. He said just because you think another country might be a threat to you doesn't give you the right to invade. You can't just start a war." —Jay Leno
"Experts say it is very unlikely that the Bush administration will commit a large number of troops to Liberia. They say the country is way to small to distract the American public from the economy." —Jay Leno
"Former Presidential candidate Steve Forbes, who attacked President Bush during the 2000 campaign, now said he was wrong. He said Bush inherited a bad situation and is turning it around. Well sure, when he came into office we had a gigantic budget surplus, low unemployment and a booming economy. Thank God he was able to turn that around! Otherwise where would we be?" —Jay Leno
"In a speech today, President Bush said he is considering sending U.S. troops to Liberia. The president went on to say he won't make his final decision until he finds out if it's a real place." —Conan O'Brien
"It's been reported that the uniforms designed for Iraq's new police force include belts made by Calvin Klein. A spokesperson for Iraq's new police force said: 'We can't stop the looters but we look fabulous.'" —Conan O'Brien
"Happy Birthday to President Bush. He turned 57 years old. If you haven't gotten him a gift yet, you can't go wrong with an economic plan." —Jay Leno
"Former President Bush — it's his birthday today, 79 years old. It's got to be tough for George W to find a present for his dad. I mean, how do you top giving him Iraq?" —Jay Leno
"Earlier this week thousands of angry Iraqis marched in the streets, demanding that the new Iraqi government be selected by a majority vote by the citizens. Oh shut up! We don't even do that in this country." —Jay Leno
"President Bush flew over Iraq in Air Force One, saw the devastation and said 'Don't worry about this, we'll get whoever did this.'" —Craig Kilborn
"According to President Bush, 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' is just a figure of speech meaning 'A defenseless nation overflowing with crude oil' — that's all. This reminds me of a time in college when my buddy told me 'Hey man, you gotta come to this party. There'll be a ton of hot chicks there.' But when I got to the party there wasn't a hot chick in sight — just a bunch of dudes and a keg of crappy beer. So me and my buddy named Briton got out of there as fast as possible and told ourselves that all the hot chicks were probably destroyed before we showed up." —Craig Kilborn