Who has the best chance of defeating Bush in '04?

by badwillie 44 Replies latest social current

  • jelly

    Lieberman (sp?) is the only dem with a snowballs chance in hell. Of course I doubt he will get the nomination because he is considered to centrist by the party core; he was booed out here in the peoples republic of California by the Dems. Of course by 2004 California will probably be in a state of complete anarchy. Thank you gray davis you worthless pile of cat dung; 20 billion surplus to 30 billion in the red, thats got to be a record.

    BTW, Bush's SAT scores where higher than Gores. Just for all you that believe the hype that bush is dumb.


  • minimus

    Bush has the best chance of beating Bush. That's an easy one....... Simon, I would vote for you as the new Police Commissioner.

  • badwillie

    Jelly - Bush having a higher SAT score than Gore proves that he had a higher SAT score, and your point is???


  • jelly

    The idiots on the left have for the last 50 years attempted to show most republican leaders as poorly educated, unwise men. In my life time they did it to Bush Jr., Regan, Ford, and historically they also did it to Lincoln. A higher SAT score (which is used for a measure of an individual’s knowledge base in this country) is indicative that Bush is at least as smart as Gore if not smarter. My point was not murky you just chose not to see it; simply saying Bush is stupid is a childlike argument at best.


  • badwillie

    The fact that you must drag out Bush's "pretty darn good" old SAT score (test taken when he was probably 17-18 years old), shows that there ain't a lot he's done since taking that test that demonstrates a high intellect at work.


  • minimus

    Gore showed how intellectual he was for 8 years.

  • Realist

    Who has the best chance of defeating Bush in '04?

    common sense!

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    I know! But, I can't say anything............................

  • DIM

    I found it ironic during the Anti War protests in Seattle, that the people holding No More Bush signs had accidentally become advocates of the gay rights movement.

    michalina and i are gonna vote this idiot out!

  • Yerusalyim

    The biggest problem the Democrats have is they have no plan. Is there anti-Bush sentiment out there? Sure, but it's not the majority. The Dems have been good at knocking Bush, but short on offering viable plans for the future. Most Americans remember that the Economy began to tank under Clinton, it was his recession. Most Americans remember the hit the economy took on 9-11, and know it will take time to recover from that. That Bush has bought into this enormous entitlement of a drug benefit is disappointing. Less Government and more individual responsibility would be nice. Bertha needs a prescription drug benefit but she's out 4 nights a week spending $20 at a shot on Bingo cards...sure, that makes sense to me.

    I do agree with one earlier comment though, right now the only one capable of beating Bush in 04 is Bush himself.

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