How do you manage your money?

by Billygoat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Good advice donkey (why do I always think of the film "Shrek" when I'm talking to you! LOL)

    I found using Microsoft Money was a big help and having a really good grasp of what money was where, where it was going etc... very useful. It also has a "get out of debt" planner which does as you say, pay the highest interest charges off first.

    One thing we did was transfer balances to zero or low interest accounts and keep doing it. Don't be afraid to get a card and just use it for the ineterest free period and then move the balance somewhere else (even round in a ciricle). The banks use you ... turn the tables !

    If you have debt but always pay things off then you are a very very good customer for them and they should be giving you a good deal.

    Always complain if you get charged for things and they will take the charges off.

    Also, ring up things like mobile phone companies etc... and ask to cancel contracts. Most are suddenly able to offer reduced prices to keep you as a customer. This also works for credit card companies that charge a yearly fee. Every little helps.

    I think the upbringing of not saving for your future, the constant "don't store up treasures in this system" and blatant "give your money to us" does affect how you cope financially. Since leaving we're doing much much better, we're saving for our future and our kids future too. Once everything is paid off I'm thinking of starting a pension fund for our kids which I hope will help them when we're long gone and maybe help them be in a position to help our grandkids too. Compound interest is your friend, especially over a very long period.

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